Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Good work. Your next trip should be smoother, allowing you to go deeper. All that shadow work stuff is you purifying your ego so that you can drop your personal baggage and really go full-on existential. Some people have a lot of shadow work to do. Keep at it. It will get better at some point. And then the real magic will start to happen. Mushrooms are good, but they are wild and chaotic. You might also want to consider AL-LAD or LSD. They are easier to make sense of.
  2. He's a warning case for any of you staunch rationalists out there. Don't skim the surface, when you can merge into the ocean. EVERYTHING must be relinquished -- including rationalism -- to get to the Godhead.
  3. Be careful about spreading false rumors. I did not say he molested children. I said he was accused of molesting his Zen students. It should also be noted, that a hardcore Zen master might do something unorthodox like grab you by the balls, just to prove a point. Which many California Westerners would get offended at and consider "molesting". While the master would consider it a good lesson in Zen. If a 100 year old man yanking on your balls doesn't enlighten you, I dunno what will The problem here is idolizing your teachers. It's a very common problem. Stop doing it.
  4. @Echoes You can materialize God in whatever Avatar you want, with enough determination. Of course they are all you.
  5. There are no instructions. It's a secret mantra they want you to pay for. Most forms of yoga require formal initiation and secrecy.
  6. Peterson has some good ideas. He's one of the better academics out there in the zeitgeist and worth studying. And his mystical experience is a good step in the right direction. But he didn't go past the barrier of insanity. So, understand the Ultimate Absolute he does not. The Absolute is beyond any mortal's puny notions of meaning. It's so meaningless it explodes with infinite being!
  7. @Charl It's simple. Don't enter debates. When they start, leave.
  8. @Danka That's what workshops and retreats are: bootcamps. They are incredibly effective.
  9. @Socrates How can one fragment of reality be superior to another if all is ONE? Contemplate! Become deeply conscious that your position is simply untrue.
  10. @Edita Did he actually have a breakthrough experience himself? Or is he just talking about it academically? There is an infinite gap between those two. Of course it's nice to see awareness of psychedelics spreading through universities. But that alone does not really mean that people understand the full existential significance of them. Not even close. People like Sam Harris, who've done psychedelics, still do not talk about them properly, and have never really gone deep with them. And still do not understand the ultimate nature of reality.
  11. @cetus56 Don't be too quick to answer every question with, "God did it." Origin of life is a good question for science to answer.
  12. The forum is already fully mobile compliant. Nobody makes an App for a forum. The only valid discussion here is for making the main site/blog mobile.
  13. @Afonso Yes, it would be nice, but my energies are focused elsewhere.
  14. No conspiracy theories please. The logos are not the same.
  15. @Edvard No, not automatically, but through lots of mental gymnastics and active closemindedness. If you try to snort it just once, you're gonna freak the fuck out and never try it again. And your understanding of reality will not grow.
  16. @Empty Self-inquiry There is only one cure to all of humanity's problems: more consciousness. We already have enough science and technology to make life on Earth for every human being awesome. The only thing we lack is the consciousness to do it.
  17. Scientists are a very dogmatic bunch. Their loyalty is to the mind, not to Absolute Truth. Scientists balk at anything "mystical", paradoxical, or ineffable. 5-MeO-DMT will destroy the entire scientific paradigm. It's also very difficult to make sense of without having studied lots of philosophy, epistemology, and nonduality. 5-MeO-DMT literally kills you. It's not easy to convince anyone to go through that process when their entire life is designed around not dying. It's even hard to convince enlightened people to take 5-MeO. Realistically, you're never going to take 5-MeO unless you're a serious truth-seeker already. Hell, I rarely want to take it myself. It's just too big of a mind fuck for most people to handle. Psychedelics don't work on ignorant people. They require proper use and interpretation. An ignorant person will just use psychedelics in an ignorant way. Like a monkey trying to use a computer. Just by giving a monkey a computer doesn't make him Bill Gates. The Absolute Truth needs no interpretation in theory. But in practice, your mind will try to make sense of it somehow. How you make sense of it will vary widely by individual. And Absolute Truth isn't one thing. It has many layers to it. Very few people in the world have penetrated the deepest layers. Many so called "enlightened people" have really just scratched the surface. They have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes. And even 5-MeO doesn't go to the deepest levels from what I gather.
  18. @cetus56 Of course that's possible, but it doesn't answer the question of how life originated in the first place in the universe. It had to start somewhere.
  19. 1) Uninstalling games, deleting accounts, selling hardware, and blocking all video game blogs/review websites from your browser works very well. 2) Find some alternative means of relaxation/fun. You need some outlet. 3) If you do end up playing a game, as you play very mindfully observe how it doesn't really feel satisfying. It's always disappointing in some way. Try to really SEE that. That will help break your attachment. Going cold turkey works pretty well for video games. Just don't expect never to backslide. You will. That's okay. Just keep going cold turkey, and each time you will break a bit more of the attachment until you finally get sick of this whole cycle.
  20. I will add an amazing book about evolution to my book list in the future. It's a real paradigm-buster.
  21. @Shin Except gravity isn't nothing. Lol. Where did gravity come from? Some scientists really don't know how to think.
  22. Nice! That was a good intro. But in the future, don't waste your trips by watching videos or screwing around on your phone. Contemplate! You have yet to tap into the full power of these substances. Loved this part especially:
  23. @Morten Strip down all language. Realize that language such as "the Fact That You Can't Find Me Does Not Mean I Do Not Exist" is just a bunch of sounds. It might as well be, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...." It literally doesn't mean anything. Flatten the illusion. See my video: Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought
  24. @Ilya The brain's Default Mode Network is constantly operating in the background, generating your current level of consciousness. Your current level of consciousness is the problem. It must be broken out of. Just being "present" with your Default Mode Network running, doesn't break you out of ego. You're just present as ego.