Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Build a social media presence and establish yourself as an expert in some sub-field, such as relationships, or spirituality, etc.
  2. If only it were so easy. But in fact your mind does contain some truth in it. The problem is how to sift it out from all the BS. It's actually really hard to be 100% wrong all the time.
  3. Lol. Of course. That's why the whole world runs on illusions and lies. This isn't specific to girls. Do you care if I'm a murderer if there is no way for you to know about it?
  4. It mentions a lot more than Israelis mention. Because Israelis have to do a lot of whitewashing and ignoring of their own actions in order to regard themselves as innocent victims in all this.
  5. I don't experience lucid dreaming. But I understand what you mean. Yes, your normal life is less conscious and feels very limited. Because it is. Tripping is like lucid dreaming. And you feel even worse afterwards because you know your normal life is so limited.
  6. It is identical to meditation.
  7. Don't talk to yourself for a few minutes and see how it feels.
  8. No internal voice. Think of a cat. You don't think it talks to itself in its own mind.
  9. Theortically could be. But most likely a vain egomaniac with nothing better to do and using "art" as a rationalization. Thing is, a serious artist would find bodybuilding far too limited of a medium. I find my Youtube videos are far too limited of a medium for my art. I wouldn't call Arnold Schwarzeneggar an artist. He's doing something else. Generally no.
  10. My position is: Your true identity is God. The only trick is becoming conscious of what that entails. In practice the way identity works is that you can identify with anything, from the most limited to completely unlimited (Infinity) and anything in between. Your identity is bascially a function of your state of consciousness. Depending on what state of consciousness you're in you will identify with various things. And the higher your state the more you will identify as everything until eventually you reach pure formless Infinity.
  11. Exercise is not a waste of time, but that's not what is being discussed here.
  12. That's definitely an absurd fantasy. You don't need that. A girl will want to have sex with you by the 3rd date at the latest. And not just want, but need. She doesn't want you to court her for a month. As a man you should be assertive about what you know you want. She wants you to want her and to be confident in it, not wishy-washy. She is testing you to see how bad you want her. Love is a thing that comes long after sex.
  13. Be careful with that kind of atitude. You should verify these things for yourself.
  14. It's really basic. A foot-long dick can't help you get girls simply because she doesn't know you have it. And if you tell her you have it, it sounds desperate and creepy so it actually works against you.
  15. A virus that kills all low consciousness people. Comes in chocolate-coated bacon.
  16. Aljazeera has some great videos.
  17. Because I wanted to understand the nature of reality.
  18. You need to figure out your life purpose and career. What are you passions?
  19. How about when someone's way involves hijacking your community by proclaiming himself to be the reincarnation of Jesus and having sex with all the hotties and taking their money?
  20. You don't know that.
  21. Nothing has really changed for me in this regard other than that I am able to appreciate and see art more clearly.
  22. The lesson is: girls have zero loyalty or care for you until sex, regardless of what they say.
  23. I have always been.
  24. I'm disappointed in the American legal system when it comes to politicians. But Trump will be in a lot of trouble if he loses the election. He already lost $500 million. That's no small thing.
  25. Don't miss the elephant in the room: Getting jacked is a waste of time. And girls don't even like it. You're doing it for your own vanity.