Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @egoless They contain the exact same active indredigent: psylocin. So the trip should be the same. But they are dosed quite differently. Truffle weights are much bigger.
  2. @How to be wise Of course that technique of doing nothing will not cure your addiction instantly. But by the fact that you did that 4 hrs of sitting, you have already made a good stride towards curing it. By sitting there, you were becoming conscious of it. Even by failing to sit there, you became more conscious of it. It will take more of this kind of back and forth, on and off, for you to get consciousness enough to stop it, or at least reduce it significantly. Curing an addiction is no easy thing. It's also important to find some other healthy activity to replace it.
  3. @Alenka Both ways are possible: you can stay in the relationship and apply consciousness to it, or you can leave the relationship, isolate yourself, and do some serious consciousness work that way. Isolating yourself tends to actually be much more effective. Which is why retreats are so important. Spirituality demands lots of uninterrupted focus. But either way can work. It just depends on your goals and values. If you seek enlightenment, relationships will be a distraction.
  4. @faith 1 gram of dried mushrooms or 75ug of LSD (half a tab) are good newbie entry points.
  5. @Alenka Suffering is something you create. Spirituality is not about enduring suffering, it's about becoming conscious of how you create all your suffering. So this "enduring of suffering" game you're playing is not real growth, it's neurosis and ego monkey-business. Apply consciousness and spirituality to your relationships until you learn to stop creating that suffering.
  6. I never really tried. I'm sorta over the whole convincing-people-of-stuff. I already spend enough time talking calculus at mules. I did manage to administer 5-MeO to my gf. She snorted 28mg, surrendered like a champ, and landed in Paradise. Best experience of her life.
  7. @Timotheus Sounds like you're doing good (you're growing), it's just that you had a traumatic childhood and so you have a lot of extra emotional baggage to work through. If you seriously feel suicidal, then take the process slower. 15 trips in 13 months might be too much for you.
  8. Yes, we'll cover this topic in the future. Mainstream culture's understanding of physics is 2 centuries behind.
  9. Your question will be laid to waste once you experience Absolute Infinity. It's Absolute! Like... really!
  10. Keep in mind he was only starting his journey. His ideas weren't mature yet. Sharing happiness is certainly rewarding. But it's not the essence of happiness.
  11. @smd You have no idea what you're missing. You're speaking about nonduality or 5-MeO as if it's a fad diet or a new TV show. It's not easy, but nothing life-transforming will be easy. "Looking into Zen" isn't Zen. Sit down and start doing some serious self-inquiry and go do some serious meditation retreats. If you ever try 5-MeO you will realize it is the single most important human discovery in history.
  12. @smd You only really get something out of it after the 3rd or 4th reading
  13. @kieranperez There can be a difference, but they usually come together. A person with low self-esteem will likely let life and other people walk all over them. And a person who is stuck in life, especially in relationships, usually is stuck because of low self-esteem.
  14. That's YOUR job to discover. That's why you're alive! There is no static balance here, it's a dynamic balance, and it will all depend on your particular situation. See video: The Role Of Balance In Personal Development It's like you're asking: "Tell me how to balance on a unicycle. Should I lean left or right?"
  15. That would a cool discovery for me. Just another mindfuck in a sea of mindfucks. I like getting my reality overturned.
  16. @Dan94 Just keep in mind, Peter Ralston's life purpose was to become a world-class martial artist. And he did that! One of the best in the world. Trained for many years. Alongside enlightenment. I once asked Ralston how he managed to navigate this conflict. He looked at me funny and said, "What conflict???" So both can be done, and the conflict is really just in your mind. Notice that many enlightened people are also masterful at many other things in life, and have thriving careers. The motivation, commitment, discipline, flexibility, passion, long-term planning, and striving towards excellence which is required to reach the deepest levels of enlightenment are exactly the same qualities required for mastery of any other field of life.
  17. @Elephant I don't recommend getting your stuff on the streets.
  18. @Imnotsure I wasn't saying I have the absolute answer. I was saying just the opposite.
  19. @Elephant Only get it from a quality source that has plenty of good reviews Then test it with Erlich Then consume a small test-dose (like 1/4th of a tab) Then trip for real
  20. Excellent! Every trip builds on the previous. You have to stop expecting each trip which each substance and dose to be the same. It's not about that. It's about how conscious you are, how open you are, how deep your understanding and questioning is, what your intentions are. If you give a fool a handful of mushrooms, he will still walk away a fool. There is still deeper to go.
  21. @Lauritz I have been to such a community. They do exist, and are quite amazing. You're not going to be able to create such a community without extensive self-actualization, enlightenments, consciousness work, and education.
  22. Good work. Only the beginning.
  23. Nice work!
  24. @Ariel See video: https://www.actualized.org/articles/the-role-of-balance-in-personal-development No one is suggesting you become a self-help mental-masturbator. That might be a phase you go through as you find your balance. And that's normal and okay. As you self-actualize more, this kind of stuff will tend to auto-correct as you will see yourself becoming overly neurotic about self-actualization. So you just loosen your grip a bit. But you don't quit, as that would be the biggest trap.