Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Telsa bot is doing similar things. We are def on the verge of a robotics revolution. The next 50 years will be the age of humanoid robots.
  2. There are higher infinities in the sense that you can say you understand Infinity, but you don't really understand everything it entails. So you can discover higher dimensions and domains of it which you couldn't imagine before. It's one thing to just parrot Infinity, it's another thing to experience Infinity and all its strange manifestations.
  3. I saw him walking out of a club in Vegas a while back, surrounded by his minions.
  4. @Girzo You can't reduce higher states of consciousness to any kind of brainwaves.
  5. I have used EEG braintraining meditation. It is nothing like DMT. Meditative states are not DMT states.
  6. I don't know what you're talking about. It sounds confused and vague. I don't see much point in disentangling it. You will not understand consciousness without awakening.
  7. Consciousness dreams up spontaneity and anything else you can say.
  8. It's an issue of double-standards. The reason this alt math thing is a problem is because the alt math people don't actually use alt math, they use standard math. You could have an alt math, but then everyone would have to agree to it. So it's a matter of convention. Some maths describe some parts of reality while other maths describe other parts of reality.
  9. I don't know why you bring up this spontaneity concept. It is irrelevant to consciousness. If you're trying to use some kind of free will argument to understand consciousness, that's gonna fail.
  10. God is an Infinite Dream. You can dream up hell, demons, dragons, aliens, whatever you want. God is literally made out of demons, dragons, kangaroos, aliens, and such.
  11. Have an Awakening.
  12. Obviously all these AI companies are at the very minimum scraping the entire public internet and every major social media platform for their data. And then on top of that they are probably accessing paywalled stuff.
  13. What the hell does this mean? Whatever your ideas of consciousness are, it's safe to say they are wrong.
  14. @Davino There is conceptual identity and then there is metaphysical identity.
  15. You exist as something. The only question is what that thing is.
  16. Keep your responses respectful, without personal attacks and insults.
  17. No they wouldn't. And that's the whole rub. They take and take and take, with no shame or self-awareness. They don't want peace, they want land.
  18. Love? Good lord! This isn't love. Girls take time to build investment in you. You are overly invested in her and she barely knows you exist. Because girls build investment through emotions and sex. What you need to do is build your emotional connection with her. Not via text but in person. Make her feel some connection to you, to experience your masculine energy. And then ask her out for a drink. The reason she isn't responding to your texts is because she lives in her own bubble and your texts are meaningless to her. She will start responding when she starts getting invested in you. You are lucky she responds to your texts at all. Ideally what you could do is set up some fun group social events and use text to invite her out. Not as a date, but a fun social event. Then you flirt with her and build up a connection. Then she will want to fuck you.
  19. I see a handful of massive companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, etc using AI to become such massive monoplies that they buy up everyone and everything in the field of tech, sucking up tens of trillions of value while little people are left with crumbs. That's the real danger.
  20. Build a social media presence and establish yourself as an expert in some sub-field, such as relationships, or spirituality, etc.