Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @MM1988 You need to go approach more girls and develop some skill in this area. They aren't giving you signals because you are not attracting them with your personality, because you're probably like the typical IT guy. You need to learn how to push a girl's buttons a bit to get her attracted to you. That's called hitting the hook-point. It's hard to do at first if you're very socially awkward. I had to approach 450+ girls before I got one to sleep with me. That's how things go when you suck with girls. But you keep learning and you get much better. Pickup didn't work for you because you didn't really make a serious investment in it. Imagine how cool it would be get a hot girlfriend, and to feel confident around girls? Isn't that worth some effort? Time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. It sure beats being depressed and wasting your time moping on this forum. Think about it. Pickup can be a lot of fun too. It's not like punching keys on a computer all day... oh wait... bad analogy
  2. @Key Elements Of course it has consequences. That is another matter. The reality is that human beings are horny creatures. To pretend otherwise actually makes the horniness more dangerous, not less.
  3. @Spider Jerusalem Well of course the point of seeking to get to non-seeking. All goals work that way. Nothing paradoxical about it. You seek lunch. You eat lunch. You stop seeking lunch. Tada! Magic! At least until you realize that there's more than one enlightenment to be had, and more things to realize than just enlightenment! Such is life. You're doing shit until you're dead no matter what. The only question is, what are you doing and are you enjoying it? You're right though, enlightenment isn't an object or a destination. It's here right now! There is no difference between enlightenment and non-enlightenment. Everything is enlightenment all the time, 24/7, forever. So seeking it is a bit silly, because every step you take is one step too far. And yet nonetheless, if you don't take that step, you'll never realize it. That is the delicious paradox of it.
  4. No, of course not. Each person has various karma to burn through. Some don't need sex at all. Some are sex fiends who have sex till their dead from it and never even get to starting meditation. Most people are somewhere in the middle. It's rare that a person can go straight to celibacy. That's either extremely rare, or it's done as a kind of neurotic suppression which tends to backfire, as in the case of many Catholic priests and Buddhist monks who end up molesting children. True spiritual celibacy is possible, but it requires not suppression but very high degrees of personal development and spiritual purification work, which is best done after you get your basic sexual needs met (and also being older) You don't do that as a stopgap measure. Many celibate yogis are only celibate in their later years (40s, 50s, 60s) after their hormones have subsided and they have already had much of sex. For example, Gandhi was celibate, but not before he banged his wife's brains out for years In his autobiography he talks about how much he craved his wife in the early days. Gandhi was as horny as your average teenager.
  5. Man, that's a lot easier than shooting videos every week. I should start giving hugs. What a business plan! P.S. On second thought, some of you are probably diseased. So it might be more tricky than it sounds.
  6. I need to print some #TooWokeForThisShit t-shirts
  7. @Spider Jerusalem Actively seeking succeeds quite often. Don't get caught in this non-seeking trap. People get enlightened very day using seeking. Hardly anyone gets enlightened non-seeking. You just have to understand what seeking means, how to do it properly, and where it's pointing to. Your problem is not over-abundance of desire for enlightenment, but the severe lack of desire. It takes decades because people are generally clueless, and seek in stupid ways. If you seek directly, with great desire and clarity of purpose, it will not take decades.
  8. @Gabriel Antonio Interesting. Do you brew your own Ayahuasca or what? How often do you use it?
  9. Why didn't you succeed at pickup? How many girls did you approach? Also, pickup isn't the only way to attract girls you know. 99% of men do not know pickup, and yet they still manage to get laid. What is the crux of your problem with attracting girls? Are you highly introverted and anti-social? Do you have social anxiety? Do you have confidence problems? Speaking problems? Appearance problems? The single most important factor for attracting girls is simply being near them. If you sit at home all the time reading books and playing video games, then yeah, it's very hard to get laid. You need to find ways to bump into girls your age. Try to brainstorm ways to get more involved in social activities like yoga class, dance class, workshops, seminars, music festivals, parties, networking events, Toastmasters, events on college campuses, etc. What city do you live in? It helps a lot to move to a hip city like Austin, LA, NY, Miami, Vegas, London, etc. It's much easier to find girls in those kinds of cities than in someplace like Kentucky.
  10. @MM1988 You're missing the obvious: Go get laid. Learn to attract girls. Not every problem in life is meant to be meditated away. Meditation is an advanced tool, for mature people who've already taken care of the basics of life. It is not a crutch to avoid the basics of life like food, money, shelter, health, relationships, work, family, etc. You wouldn't tell a starving child to meditate his hunger away. You would tell him to go make a sandwich. If you don't know how to make a sandwich << that's the first-order problem right there. Learning to make a sandwich is a lot easier than learning to meditate.
  11. Never hurts to start with half your dose. After you have one horrible bad trip, you will start to appreciate the wisdom of such precautions for each new substance you take. Psychedelics are so easy to underestimate. Increasing you dose in half-dose increments is the safe way to go. And even then, you will be thoroughly mindfucked.
  12. @Samuel Garcia All the nondual theory in the world probably won't help you. At your age, just go out and make friends, have sex, get into some relationships. Consciously. This is probably just a Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs thing. Once you get some friends and you exhaust that game, you'll be ready for deeper work, bigger fish to fry. Just don't get lost chasing friends forever. For example, the more sex I have, the less I feel like I need it, or that it's important at all to my happiness. But it doesn't work this way for all people. Not sure why. Some people get stuck on it even if they get lots of it. Point being, don't be that person.
  13. @spicy_pickles Good But they don't guilt you. You guilt you.
  14. @kieranperez Yes, understandably. But it will be a concern regardless of when you do it.
  15. @kieranperez Another option is to do the opposite. Focus on getting off it now, while you're not so reliant on earning success. Once you get wrapped up with a job and earning success, it will all the more difficult to find time off to deal with your drug problem. But I'm not you, so I'm not telling you what to do. Just offering ideas.
  16. @kieranperez Yes, it might. The thing you gotta keep in mind is that you've been taking these drugs for so long that they've now solidly become your crutch. So there's little chance you'll get off them unless you're willing to take a temporary hit in terms of time, energy, productivity, emotions, and body feeling. Like a heroin junkie, coming off won't be easy, but then again, what's the alternative? A life of addiction?
  17. @Max_V I don't need to go to the Netherlands to trip.
  18. @electroBeam You gotta learn to read the intent of the proverb, not to read it literally. You are using the word "experience" in a different context with a different meaning. "Experience" here should be read more like "suffering". Finger pointing to the moon.
  19. Being aware of a thing is one thing. Behaving in a cute and cuddly manner is a totally different thing. There is some correlation, but it's a loose one. Just because someone is a good mathematician (understands math) doesn't mean he can't also be an asshole. So why do you expect that someone who understands Truth would immediately behave like a saint? The problem here is over-idealization of enlightenment. Strictly-speaking enlightenment is nothing more than knowing what reality is. You are then free to act however. You could decide to become a cannibal and there would really be no conflict.
  20. @Monkey-man Generally speaking, yes. Key word there being "generally". And there are many half-baked enlightened folks out in the world.
  21. @egoless All those people worked much harder than me. I'm actually pretty lazy.