Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. But not for massive profit. I can't buy a porno and start reselling it to you guys as part of Leo's Ultimate Porno Collection. Believe me, if I could I would. That's really scummy though. Most people can't afford to sue a trillion dollar company. All these AIs will require a YouTube-like take-down form.
  2. Either high tolerance or weak mushrooms. 2 grams can be strong. Enough to warp your whole reality. What you are describing would be like what 0.1 grams would do to me.
  3. Have fun with your Donald Trump porn.
  4. For paywalled stuff, I would say it is. One aspect of Fair Use doctrine is that you can't use someone's work to profitably compete with and replace their work. The New York Times is suing OpenAI for this very thing. We'll see how that plays out. OpenAI scraped their paywalled articles. That's BS. It is not easy to get your content removed from these AIs.
  5. No. You have invented various kinds of spiritual fantasies by misinterpreting things he said and making all sorts of assumptions. And then some fraction of what he says is Hindu BS.
  6. This shows the fantasies you guys have about this work. There should be nothing shocking about this.
  7. No amount of spiritual practice will make you free from your genetics and chemistry.
  8. BS. These are clever excuses from facing Truth. The entire notion of socializing is BS. How much fucking socializing will ever be enough for him?
  9. Sounds like a great fucking excuse not to sit down and face the agony of being still. Owen is an egomaniac, addicted to chasing ambition like a squirrel on crack. It's not because he needs material success, it's because he is addicted to meaning and purpose. And these things are illusions. Which is why he keeps running, like a rat in a wheel.
  10. It's not. I don't work round the clock nor do I demand that of anyone I work with. And for free. That would be unethical. His health and happiness. This is a dangerous idea to implant into the minds of his followers. I know. That only strengthens my point. Just because he survived that does not make it right. Because he's setting a bad example of work-life balance. I say it of Elon Musk so I must say it of Sadhguru too. If you actually loved Sadhguru you would not want him working himself into ill health.
  11. Again, so what? There is no good reason for Sadhguru to work these people to death along with him. When someone works more than 8hrs per day for free, that's not "voulenteering" anymore, that's exploitation. That's disingenious spiritual horseshit. If you're so spiritual, start by paying people for their labor rather than exploiting their admiration of you. This is legit cult behavior. Exactly what Scientology does. No one is going to awaken working 8hr+ a day for Sadhguru. If Sadhguru wants to be a workaholic that's his business. But it's shameful to then goad your followers into that same lifestyle.
  12. Religious people have spiritual experiences too. So what? I am not arguing that yoga doesn't work.
  13. That's called religion. Islam has 1 billion followers. So what? Sadhguru is exploiting those people for free labor. Classic cult tactic. If their labor is so important, how about paying them?
  14. How about teaching spirituality in a way where the teacher doesn't kill himself with work? That would be the conscious way. Workaholism is a problem regardless of whether it is material or spiritual. The crazy schedule Sadhguru keeps, keeps him from savouring his life. All this goes to show that many of the traps of materialism are paralelled again in the field of spirituality. Brute forcing your way in spirituality can be as problemic as brute forcing your way in materialism.
  15. Doesn't really matter. Since he's as addicted to his work as Elon Musk. Saving people spiritually is also a kind of illusion. Going to Mars vs teaching yoga, it's all the same rat race. The notion that the world needs you to save it is a grand illusion. I would hope Sadhguru sees through it. I have attended an Isha event. And what I saw was spiritual brainwashing.
  16. My DMT experiences will be different from yours.
  17. No different than a materialist workaholic like Elon Musk or Mr Beast.