Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You believe it's solid ground, which is question begging.
  2. @Exystem Thanks for sharing. @mmKay Wow! Awesome share. Thank you.
  3. Technically I don't think Prager is lying. He's just deeply bought into a right-wing fantasy. But I still think it is fair to call Prager intellectually dishonest in that his intellect is so infested with bias that he cannot be bothered to read a Wikipedia page on Hitler. But if I wanted to be more charitable and rigorous I should change the term to self-deceived.
  4. @mattm33 I have an exercise for you: Why? Why? Why is homosexuality demonized? What is the purpose? Contemplate.
  5. Don't take it too literally.
  6. No way. Jesus is an African attack helicopter.
  7. "Anyone who thinks of homosexuality as a way of life is sick... This aberration cannot be permitted to become widespread and make our youth lose the respect for the natural laws of life." -- Adolf Hitler "We must eliminate homosexuals root and branch... We can't permit such danger to the country; the homosexual must be entirely eliminated." -- Adolf Hitler
  8. But that happens regardless. Morality doesn't stop evil. Morality IS evil.
  9. That's fine and even good. There was a period from 2008 to 2015 where I completely tuned out of politics because I was totally focused on business, personal development, pickup, life coaching, and Actualized.org. That was an important period in my life. But then I came back into politics with a vengeance and by now I've mastered how it works. And now it's just entertainment. Watching monkeys in a zoo. The lesson is: you don't need to handle every issue at once. Space stuff out across your life. Politics is certainly the wrong focus for youngsters who should be focused on building their foundational for survival.
  10. Tell us more. I want to better understand how normies struggle and suffer from such issues, since I personally never did, so it's hard for me understand what the struggle is. And explain how you managed to rise out of your funk.
  11. @ryandesreu I've been working on this PM episode since last year. I had a huge breakthrough in my comprehension of what PM is and how to explain it deeply. This is not just about PM, it's about a very deep understanding of reality.
  12. God is sitting at a screen, wondering, What is God?
  13. Don't be such a nihilist. If I ever get my hands on him, I will turn him gay!
  14. That's exactly what I do. There are things I don't even say because people cannot handle it.
  15. LSD is quite arbiratry for me. Sometimes a trip can go sour for no good reason.
  16. There will not be a serious text answer to a serious mental issue. This minimizes what a serious mental issue is. It's even insulting. Sweet words don't solve serious chronic health problems. I know first hand because no sweet words will ever compensate for my chronic health problems. Please understand that this forum will never be a serious solution for suicidal or mentally ill people. They need off-line professional help. And even then there's no guarantees because their problems are often deeper than talk can fix.
  17. But it's the upset minority that creates problems, so the majority is irrelevant. You can't just say, the majority of people aren't terrorists so don't worry, business as usual.