Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's part of it. Extroverts actually feed off social interaction. Like energy vampires. Whereas introverts are drained. One of the biggest predictors of your lifetime lay count will be your introversion/extroversion score. The higher your extroversion the higher your lay count.
  2. It's not that. The best guy in game who I ever met was a natural. He didn't even know about pickup. But he's better than RSD pickup coaches. I tried teaching him some game concepts, like state. He said, "What's state?" I explained it to him, and he said, "Oh! I'm in state as soon as I get in my car!" This guy was a natural salesman. He could sell condoms to a nun. He told me he hated his mother and didn't trust any women because she was a selfish bitch. It's not about parents. It's about extroversion genetics. If you look carefully, all the best pickup coaches are natural extroverts. That's the secret to game which they don't tell you. The introverts will never have as good game, no matter how much they practice. The more introverted you are the harder game will be for you. Your brain is just not wired for it. However, your brain is wired for other better things like contemplation. Owen modeled his game after naturals. Then he sold everything he learned from naturals to chumps through RSD. I met the natural Owen modeled his game from. This is why Owen's game is not the best. His magic was not in game, it was in selling you desperate chumps. Owen is a marketing genius, not a game genius. With that said, I'm not saying his game is shit. So don't misunderstand me. Now you understand the whole secret to RSD. Owen used his marketing genius to selling natural game to millions of desperate introverted guys. Not because he was great at game, but because he was great at marketing. Ta-daaaa!
  3. No, love for truth has to be more fundamental and universal than that. Contemplate: Do I love truth? What does that even mean?
  4. I don't trust any woman who finds me attractive
  5. The funniest irony is that Trump wanted to make libel laws looser when he ran for President. Now he's paying $100M for libel. LOL. Clown karma.
  6. First and foremost you must cultivate a deep respect and love of truth. From there, things will come more naturally. You don't need to obsess over every situation. Start with individual things that are most relevant.
  7. But aren't they held by the Trump corp, not personally Trump? Then he could declare personal bankruptcy and skate by. Also, what prevents him from selling the properties to his own shell corp before his personal bankruptcy? He can probably sell them to the Saudis, and then they will sell it back to him. He's gonna pull some shit like this.
  8. Your taste in men is not to be trusted
  9. If I could legally sell my porn collection I would just retire on a tropical island and never work again. It's that good.
  10. That's the song for the Actualized Tour
  11. Mostly just by caring about it. You're never going to be perfect at it. Just do your best.
  12. That's a good point.
  13. @Juan If he himself was happy doing that, no problem. But he's miserable and it's all a clickbait game. If he could legally eat a baby for a billion clicks, he would do it. I didn't make my blog post to judge him. I made it as a warning to you guys of this trap, so you don't become as miserable as him.
  14. Many of his lackeys are getting filthy rich by being in his orbit. Not from Trump paying them but from all the legal corruption and deals they get to dip their beaks in. Trump's appeal is that he creates a giant pig trough around himself. It's a heyday for grifters, bottomfeeders, leeches, and attention whores like Marjorie Taylor Green.
  15. The core fundamentals of game that RSD teaches are valid. I've never said otherwise. Owen has done pioneering work in the field of "natural" game. His work back in the 2012 era was next-gen stuff. You have to be more nuanced and careful. Just because I have a few criticisms of Owen doesn't mean the fundamentals of RSD theory are wrong. I'm sure Owen's game is good when he's in the zone. But you have to understand that Owen does more business than he does game. Owen's top shtick is running RSD. He's not out there purely gaming like Julian was in the early days. Owen has a business to run. I know from insiders that Julien had a much higher lay count than Owen and Julien's game was much better. But again, this doesn't mean Owen isn't good at times or that his teaching are false. You have to remember that Owen is/was a hard case newbie autistic introvert and pretty weird and socially awkward. Owen is not a natural and his game will never be as good as natural. The best PUAs are naturals. I've met real naturals. True naturals are even better than professional PUAs. Professional PUAs are just aping naturals. I have a natural friend who knows nothing about pickup, but he's better than RSD coaches. Jack Black is not a PUA. So relative to a PUA he doesn't get laid much, I would assume. Again, looks STILL matter. Just because Jack Black is a charismatic beast does not mean he will get infinitely laid. It just means that he will get laid more than a whiny incel with zero frame. I was just using Jack Black to demonstrate charisma. Of course Owen has charisma too and you could make a video of Owen's game and use it illustrate the same point. But I wanted an example that was outside pickup. This is an issue which transcends pickup. That's what I was trying to highlight. Guys get so stuck in gaming girls that they overlook something more fundamental. I also used Jack Black because he's fat, short, and not good-looking. My criticisms of Owen mostly come down to the immature aspects of pickup which I want to see him outgrow. And Jack Black is free of that, so I got nothing to criticize him for. Yes, of course. And that's the gold in his teachings. I've never criticized him for that part. Owen's 2012-ish RSD content is the foundations of game and I have always recommended it. If he hadn't deleted all his old YT videos, I would be linking them. My criticisms are more about 2022 Owen vs 2012 Owen. Part of the criticism is that I expected Owen to outgrow some of this shit by now. But as I have said before, there's much you can learn from Owen and his work should be respected.
  16. @Yali Fantasies. You cannot even begin to comprehend how bad the suffering can get.
  17. This is a good reminder for you guys to take your health seriously. No angel is gonna save you if you screw it up. Sadhguru is giving you the real lesson here, better than any of his stories.
  18. He's a very spiritually advanced guy and his methods have value. He is genuine. But these Hindu yogis love to tell tall tales. None of them are invincible. Their life hangs by a thread, just like all of us. Their health could crash any day. The only problem is when you adopt fantasies about how awakening will give you superpowers. Just do your yoga without the Hindu superpower tall tales.
  19. I'm unsure whether he can declare bankruptcy and keep holding his properties. I'm sure he'll find some loopholes like giving the properties to his sons. It's questionable whether he personally holds any property at all. It might all be shell companies. His wealth is all a house of cards anyway.
  20. People will use life purpose to avoid doing a serious inquiry into consciousness. (And I'm not saying Sadhguru did that. But I am saying Owen did that). Obviously Owen is free to live out his life playing in Maya if he so wishes. I just hoped he was more intelligent than that. Live your life however you want. But if you want serious consciousness then that requires deconstructing certain illusions. This doesn't mean life purpose is wrong, but you will want to become conscious of its true nature and how it is part of your survival game. Most people are very deeply stuck playing in Maya. Like Elon Musk and all the other billionaires. And that's what Owen is chasing. Sadhguru is doing something more advanced.
  21. I'm not going to engage in that. Sadhguru can tell you tall tales all day long. I'm not going to bother taking them seriously because this stuff is impossible to verify unless you achieve those abilities yourself. If you want to pursue those abilities, go ahead. But in the end you might discover that you wasted 10 years of your life chasing a Hindu tall tale.
  22. But not for massive profit. I can't buy a porno and start reselling it to you guys as part of Leo's Ultimate Porno Collection. Believe me, if I could I would. That's really scummy though. Most people can't afford to sue a trillion dollar company. All these AIs will require a YouTube-like take-down form.
  23. Either high tolerance or weak mushrooms. 2 grams can be strong. Enough to warp your whole reality. What you are describing would be like what 0.1 grams would do to me.