Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Were they shitake mushrooms?
  2. If you had a child, would you want it to work itself into a hospital bed? I'm done reasoning with you.
  3. Perhaps. But I know he has workaholic tendencies. This incident is not the only data I'm looking at. Sadhguru loves to boast about the long hours he and everyone around him works. Frankly it's strange to work so much. The whole point of spirituality is to slow down and smell the roses, not fly around the world like a bat out of hell. It's like Sadhguru is running a spiritual factory. And that's not a compliment.
  4. If it's wise to do, then do it sustainably. Is it really hard for you the believe that even an awakened yogi can lose balance and engage in unhealthy activity? If you think that can't happen, you're really kidding yourself. Sometimes a yogi is just a stubborn workaholic. Don't overthink it.
  5. Your logic is very limited. You can retire and live a happy life doing art, or watching birds, or a million other things.
  6. Consider the possibility that if you became seriously conscious you might even see through the illusion of being of service and enjoy life more by doing something else. Of course I'm not saying you can't be of service if you want to. You're free in that regard. But do you want to work yourself like a mule serving others until your head starts to bleed? A lot of times people work to serve others even long after it stops being healthy. Everything can be done in healthy and unhealthy ways. So it's not the thing being done but whether you are doing it healthily.
  7. @Salvijus If you wanna behave like an animal, don't let me stop you. Maybe you are a spiritual rat in a wheel?
  8. Obviously you are. Even your super-yogi cannot outrun a kangaroo. Humans are finite. This should be completely obvious. But again, spiritual fantasies have convinced some humans that they are infinitely free. No you aren't. Not even close. You can't even stay awake for several days without approaching death. You cannot will your way out of reality. What you're doing is surfing the waves. The waves can crush you at any time. You don't control the waves.
  9. Depends on how and why it's done. There are many ways to do it wrong. Like, for example, working yourself to exhaustion.
  10. @Salvijus Unfortunately the age of the internet has ruined everything. I will go down in history as a meme.
  11. You're in luck cause hot girls love unearned shit
  12. Now you know how I feel.
  13. Of course you guys gotta play it up. Tell people how sweet and wonderful I was. How my farts smelled of roses. How my eyes sizzled with magic. How I healed some of you. How wet I made ya'll. Etc. And that was no ordinary bus, that was a bus driven by the Devil himself.
  14. It doesn't have to be so direct. If you had a lot of money, you could host fancy dinner parties and invite hot girls for free. Then naturally some of them would sleep with you because you're the organizer of the whole thing. This is traditionally how men got women. Not at the bar. Look at Trump. Where did he get his women? Did he go around doing pickup? No! He bought a beauty pageant just so he could sleep with hot girls. Trump isn't so stupid afterall. He's a clever devil. I'm not saying you should take it to that insane level. But you could certainly find a girlfriend by hosting some parties. You don't even need to be a millionaire to do this. Although of course having a few mil helps grease the wheels.
  15. Hardly anyone saw or knew who Jesus was. A handful of people at best. And they started a cult. If you guys start a cult for me after I die, maybe I can rise to the level of Jesus. It's all on you
  16. I don't even remember at this point. If you want to be successful you're gonna have to be more proactive than asking me for personal video recommendations. You have the whole internet at your fingertips. Learn to use that.
  17. Use your imagination. How would you feel if we slowly roasted you like a chicken? This is not really so abstract or hypothetical.
  18. Democracy = stupid people electing their own kind
  19. If I get run over by a bus, you guys can say I sacrificed my body in service to humanity.
  20. Not caused, per se, but if you are feeling unwell and you keep pushing yourself and refuse to cancel events, that could compound the problem. At his age, rest in important.
  21. Highly doubtful he saw it that way. That's how you see it, after the fact, to suit yourself and some mythological construct invented by dogmatic humans.
  22. Right, well, now you can explore the matter more deeply and figure out why you are overlooking the value of truth. Truth is a value that needs to be unearthed. But also, maybe you don't care about truth, in which case you should pursue other things you care about. If you dig deeply into truth, you might discover a love for it. Psychedelics might help with that.