Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Nah. You can find many softer dating advice courses and teachers if you want. For example, David DeAngelo stuff. David DeAngelo sold more dating advice than all of RSD. And it's good stuff. Eben Pagan has some top-notch courses and seminars for relationship advice.
  2. Please don't do these stereotypes.
  3. They can be developed but also that kind of job is not for everyone. You should re-examine your top values and what you really want out of your work. Is leading people what you really wanna do? You won't be good at something you're not passionate about. Maybe you just like working on an individual project.
  4. No such thing here. And organic fruits still use pesticides, just organic ones.
  5. In general, women are attracted to masculine qualities and emotional stimulation. Now stop thinking and go talk to some girls. Elaborate theories about what women want are not needed and counter-productive.
  6. If it's close to nonduality then it is no longer a religion. Buddhism can be a religion or it can be advanced sprituality, depending on how it is done. For many folks in Asia Buddhism is just a religion, not nonduality.
  7. That's an interesting point. I have no idea how that works. But they release lists of fruit types with most pesticides in them. Melons test some of the cleanist. But I don't know if they factor in volume of the fruit when measuring that: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/full-list.php It seems like water is not a major problem, it's what they spray on them that matters.
  8. What is Rust used for? Web apps? I like C#
  9. The sci bottle should be larger than the religion bottle but smaller than the spirituality bottle.
  10. Bingo. A science bottle would be nice.
  11. Underrated Biden policy. Finally some antitrust enforcement.
  12. Just recognize that it isn't grounded in anything more than stories you were indoctrinated with as a child. It's child abuse, really. There is zero emprical evidence that God sends non-Catholics to hell. And it makes no sense why God would do such a silly thing. Do dogs go to hell for not being Catholics? Lol. Are we to believe that all the aliens around the universe go to hell because they aren't Catholics? This is a cartoonishly biased notion. If you really believe in a loving God, then such a God would forgive you for mistaken beliefs, not punish you for it.
  13. Does it come in synthwave?
  14. Pomegranates are good because you peel away all the pesticides, unlike strawberries and raspberries and such. Stick to the peelable fruits.
  15. Consider this possibility: if you ain't careful you might experience a lower infinity and confuse it for the full Infinity. Similar to a person who spends his whole life working with natural numbers and confuses that for infinity. The natural numbers are infinity, but there's more kinds of infinity to discover. You can argue that the natural numbers were never the full infinity, but the problem is that that's hard to see when you're stuck in the natural numbers, since they are infinite.
  16. If anyone thinks he understands Infinity, you might one day find that you were kidding yourself. And therein lies the wisdom of the teaching of higher infinities.
  17. It was infinite in one dimension but not another. See Ruliad vs hyper-Ruliad. Since you are looking at infinity from inside it, coming to know it, yes, you don't see the whole thing.
  18. Let's wait and see what Sadhguru says about his condition. I admit I was a bit hasty in jumping to conclusions. It's not good to speculate about someone's health problems without more information. At the point the best thing to do is wish him well.
  19. I am the lord of synthwave.
  20. Were they shitake mushrooms?
  21. If you had a child, would you want it to work itself into a hospital bed? I'm done reasoning with you.