Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. @SQAAD Why do you hold that suffering is senseless? Obviously suffering is a mechanism that living beings need to stay alive. So it's full of sense. Just because you can get trapped into a horrific situation doesn't make the suffering senseless. Its point is to help you avoid those situations. The reality is that survival is a brutal game and most organisms simply get crushed in the process. Human society has created an illusory bubble of safety within that larger dynamic. And that bubble can pop at any moment. The truth is that your life has always hung by a thread. But humans have become so comfortable and complacent that they take it for granted how difficult survival has always been. A meteor can crash into your house any day and wipe you out. That's the reality of life. God can't help you with that.
  2. To be real, many of these celebrities are probably cheating on the side. Of course some are not and are happy.
  3. This plays right into Putin's hands. Now he will go even more authoritarian.
  4. The point is not to judge Sadhguru, the point is simply to take care of your health, not be a workaholic, and not think of yourself as magically invicible. Why you guys gotta make this so complicated?
  5. There is a level of Hell where all the Devil does is play Taylor Swift music 24/7 on a loop.
  6. Learn to interact with real girls in real life and developing game skills and a social life.
  7. Bad idea. She doesn't know or care about you. You are just a chump who pays her bills.
  8. When you get so mechanical about it, it's gonna be an obstacle to love and acceptance. You should not be grading your girlfriend on a rubric.
  9. I don't rate girls. I was speaking in the common parlance. It's a bad idea to be rating your girlfriend.
  10. Obviously he is well trained as a performer. But if you do a lot of pickup that is also training.
  11. That's the wrong thing to call it. Men are basically autistic women. So there is def a connection between masculine and logical and stoic.
  12. What gripe does ISIS have with Russia?
  13. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_(programming_language)
  14. I don't know. You'd have to test it out. My guess is you'd still be unhappy.
  15. Genetic freak who sees demon faces: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/distorted-faces-prosopometamorphopsia
  16. I heard Google is developing a new better version of C++ called Carbon. I think what would really be a game-changer is if someone invented a brand new language that integrates from the bottom up with AI. So that the AI does all the dirty work and the programmer works at a very high level, but there is zero performance loss. That is the future of programming. Today's programming languages should become as obsolete as coding in assembly.
  17. Yes. Those feminine qualities create emotional stimulation. The problem with being too masculine is that you become too logical and stoic, which is counterproductive to game. It's sorta paradoxical. You have to learn to be masculine but also emotionally expressive and playful. Gaming girls is akin to playing with children or dogs. You can't do it from a serious or logical place.
  18. People who like wild blueberries are mentally ill.
  19. If any of ya'll leave Actualized.org, you're going to Hell.
  20. I don't know. His content is pretty old at this point. There is a mountain of newer dating advice content you can find online. Just search around.
  21. @Elton The thing is, sometimes our ideas of a job are totally different from what the job actually entails. It's easy to paint a fantasy of a job until you start doing it. You might think you want to be in a leadership role but maybe the reality is that you want something else. Lots of soul-searching is required to pinpoint what would really make you happy. There are also different kinds of leadership. For example, the leadership I do is very different from the leadership work at your job. So maybe you're in the wrong line of leadership.
  22. Thanks for the donation. But that topic is too narrow for me to make a video on. I gave you the answer here. Just deconstruct the whole belief system. Question it to death until you realize how silly it is.
  23. Probably cause you're selling something shady. Making money is real easy as a drug dealer.