Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That certainly forced him to grow up. But with age most men grow up eventually. Pickup is self-defeating for all but the most low consciousness guys.
  2. Maybe cause that's the best way to learn.
  3. That's typical. If you re-trip too soon they tend to go bad. LSD trips require at least a week break in between.
  4. No. That Eliezer guy is a fool.
  5. 1) Confidence is gained through experience, and you still have much experience to gain. 2) Trauma is a thing. Psychedelics can help there. Also, Teal Swan has a good book on healing trauma. 3) Sounds to me like you're in a good place overall. You got some minor issues which can be fixed with basic personal development work. So you should feel optimistic about your situation. Don't worry about it. You will find ways to improve in those areas.
  6. Speaking and sleeping are very different things.
  7. Security updates are a bunch of BS. Never updated any of my phones in 15 years. And Samsung phones never slow down.
  8. Wouldn't you be better off buying a used previous-gen Samsung phone? A Samsung phone from a few years back will still be great.
  9. I was playing that up to make a point. And also being entertaining. By my nature I'm a pretty judgmental person and I am working to correct that. When I tell you to avoid something, it's usually because I suffered from doing it. But at least I know what the wrong thing is, even if I haven't trained myself to fully avoid it. The real problem is when guys do these things and don't even understand that it's wrong. I do plenty of wrong things. The difference is I become aware of it and correct myself.
  10. There isn't such a number. It all depends on when you run into the right girl. I would recommend at least 10 girls so that you don't have regrets and so that you understand what is possible in a girl. Once you reach 20 you should start looking for a girl to settle down with. My videos are advice for how to attract women. Nothing in the video says you should sleep with 100+ girls. If you can't find the right girl after 50 girls, then you probably never will because there's some deeper issue you're avoiding.
  11. It's common for religious fundamentalists to lose faith in God when they experience deep suffering or loss. That's because they misunderstand what God is. God is not a personal force who cares about you like mother. God is the fabric of reality itself. God isn't a human, with human needs and concerns. When a lion tears apart a baby gazelle, that's God. Humans do not appreciate this. It doesn't serve human needs. What ever human wants is God to serve them, to make things soft, easy, and pleasant. You can't beat the game of life by getting everything you want. In the end you will have to surrender to God's Will. That's what spirituality is really about. Not obtaining superpowers.
  12. David DeAngelo/Eben Pagan is the best example.
  13. I have very low opinion of PUAs. They are hopelessly immature, unconscious, shallow, and toxic people. The more girls they sleep with the worse it is. Nobody who sleeps with 100+ girls is a wise person. This is not a thing to idolize. A guy who can commit to and be loyal to one girl is in another league than all these PUA man-children. It should be obvious that anyone who devotes his life to chasing sex has his head up his ass.
  14. Sounds like your dose is too low because the extract is too weak. And also increase your time from 30m to 45m. And make sure it's on empty stomach.
  15. There are no ads on Samsung phones.
  16. Yes, exactly. Reality/truth doesn't serve you. And accepting that is the whole crux of life.
  17. PM is disabled for new members because of past abuses. What was your old account username? I can take a look at it.
  18. Why would you buy a Chinese Communist phone?
  19. It's not about self-esteem. For a man, having sex with a hot girl is very exciting, in a way that girls don't quite understand.
  20. The whole mindset of rating people is wrong. It's going to prevent you from relating to them properly, consciously. Even when you think stuff like, "OMG, that girl is a hottie!" That's already warping your ability to relate properly with girls. It's a selfish and immature approach.