Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I would not chalk that up to autism.
  2. Lol Zionism is cartoonishly biased. Your meme would be correct if the ones you were holocausting were not the grey peeps but some random squirrels on whose land you built your own place. "The attitude we adopt toward the Arab minority will provide the real test of our moral standards as a people. Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing from our 2,000 years of suffering and will deserve our fate." -- Albert Einstein
  3. If this is true, there's little a guru can do to help you other than pointing out the traps. Which could be written down in a book. And said book exists in my book list. In the old days you would live with your guru 24/7 and get constant one-on-one guidance. That is nearly impossible to find these days and not accessible to householders. In the end, yoga is designed to activate kundalini, which comes with risks. From what I understand the best way to minimize those risks is to not do too much yoga too quickly.
  4. Let's get real. What is Sadhguru gonna do for you if you accidentally activate kundalini in the wrong way? You're never even gonna get access to him over email. So I just can't take this stuff seriously. Once you activate your kundalini, you're stuck with it. No one is gonna save you.
  5. Not just the ground of reality, but all of reality. Not all questions. But many. Many questions are poorly formed or simply irrelevant. Well, that's something you could inquire into. Whether you will ever get an answer is unclear. Any psychedelics could potentially do it. 5-MeO and DMT are of course two of the most powerful ones and have a good chance to give you more insight into the ultimate nature of reality. By the time you reach the necessary level of liberation you will no longer exist as a human self. So it's a bit like curing cancer by shooting yourself in the head. To keep you alive.
  6. That's not an argument in your favor. You can damage your system with psychedelics. And this is not a good thing. You should be careful with activating kundalini, so you don't harm yourself.
  7. Of course. But the guru himself is also a trap. A good guru must teach you that.
  8. I prefer to call it The Toxic Age
  9. Sounds like serious learnin'.
  10. Text game doesn't really work. If a girl is not attracted to you, nothing you text her will change her mind. All you can basically do with text is to find out if she's responsive to you, and ask her for a meet. You can't use text to manipulate her into sleeping with you. Once you grok this, texting becomes quite simple. Be ware of PUAs and coaches who try to sell you on the idea that elaborate texting techniques with get you laid. The best form of text game would be if you had a real social life and you used text to invite girls to real social events, like parties and dinners. Or... dick pics.
  11. Yeah, this is Owen at his best. Owen is great at reframing things.
  12. This is BS. You don't need any guru to do a practice. And it is the practice that gives you the benefits, not the guru. If a guru helps you stay motivated, that's understandable, but also you could just keep yourself motivated. You don't need a guru to go to the gym every day. And if you had a gym guru he would not grow your muscles for you. These gurus BS you about initiation because its how they get business and maintain their monopoly. You could just do the practices on your own like a mature adult. Of course then the guru will be out of a job.
  13. Omniscience is far beyond basic awakening. Psychedelics are very powerful but awakening is not exclusive to psychedelics. If you are extremely present for very long periods of time, that can produce awakenings. This is the purpose of long meditation retreats.
  14. Just feel into the heat and cold. Imagine that you are feeling cold and you will start to feel cold. It will be subtle at first but you will get better at creating the feeling.
  15. @LSD-Rumi Stop posting irrelevant stuff here. This is not a thread about animals.
  16. @mmKay That has nothing to do with this thread.
  17. None of these extracts are standardized, so you just have to experiment with them to see what the right dose is.
  18. We have a long Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread. Search.