Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The Nvidia CEO recently said that their goal is to make programming obsolete. Nvidia is not fucking around.
  2. Once a dicatorship is established and a Nazi has a gun to your head, yes. Congradulations on your empty semantic victory.
  3. @Someone here Human consciousness is finite, even when you are tapping into Infinity. If you want the full Infinity the cost is your life. And I don't encourage that.
  4. She ran away from Utah to Las Vegas and met me in the club, like love at first sight. She's a cool girl. Very fun and adventurous. She was very into watching all my videos to improve herself.
  5. Trump, Trump, Trump. We don't need analogies. We got Trump right now doing this shit. Every nation has their version of Nazis. You Germans ain't as special as Hitler led you to believe. Yes, after a critical mass is reached you have to conform just to keep your job and life. Many Germans were Nazis in title only, not in heart. So the fuck what? That's how dictatorship is.
  6. I didn't take it personally, I took it as a critcism of the left.
  7. I don't give a fuck about Destiny. His political views are intelligent, nuanced, and moderate. If I see him saying something blantantly wrong I will let you know.
  8. You?? The Iraq War was a conservative agenda! Stop the bullshit.
  9. We could define different kinds of omniscience, general and specific. It's a tricky topic. You will not have specific omniscience as a human. General omniscience is more possible.
  10. I had an ex-Moron girlfriend. She had to go through years of cult deprogramming to break free and run away from them. They traumatized her. She was crying in my arms because I was the only guy who understood how bad they fucked her mind. This ain't no joke. People's lives are at stake. Grow up.
  11. To corrupt with your devilry, haha. Ain't no Mormon woman pure. Her head is full of Mormon horseshit.
  12. It's simply an extreme conservative. Conservatives don't like minorities. If you radicalize a conservative they will kill minorities. This is basic German history which you know well. No really. They need to hold some conservative values. Yes you do. To radicalize a leftist you gotta pull them left, not right. Of course you can find some exceptions, but these are the broad trends.
  13. That's hardly a real thing. Value of college is still high and declines are largly the function or Orange capitalist tution nflation. Decline of media comes more from the right than the left. Nothing has hurt the media ecosystem like FoxNews and right-wing echochambers. This is an absurd leap in logic. I agree we need to bring development to the people. Let's tax the rich and give everyone free college or technical schools. Agreed? By like 1% maybe. Yeah. But there is no solution to nucleae waste. You cool if we store our nuclear waste in your backyard? Rich conservatives do the same thing. Conservatives have never cared about creating affordable housing. Free market baby. There is zero similarity to Soviet Russia.
  14. Here: "So... Sarah, do you like kangaroos? "
  15. You need to muster the balls to have a proper conversation with her. Saying Hi cannot get you laid. She's not going to magically fall on your dick. Girls require leadership.
  16. Bodybuilding and gaming are not so hard that you couldn't do both. It's not like you can bodybuild 8hrs per day.
  17. Only cause Plato never met a black hole.
  18. Are MAGA still conservatives? Why are they overturning democracy and supporting a rapist? It's quite easy to fool a conservative into killing minorities and following a strongman. We are living it.
  19. That's true of course. And not just that, but we need complex systems to mediate all that. A pile of resources is of little use if there is no good education system, media system, court system, distribution system, etc. All these systems need to be evolved up. Soviet Russia and Communist China or Cuba didn't have such systems, so they devolved into barbarism. Jesus himself could not make Soviet Russia Green due to lack of systems.
  20. You know but you don't care. A big part of the issue is that what you care about totally changes in a serious trip.
  21. Some did, some didn't. It really depends on the time and place. And also the political situation.
  22. Maybe the KKK were liberals. Who can tell?
  23. That's not good enough to save you. But hey, do it your way.
  24. The problem isn't left vs right. The problem is that no one in politics is conscious or selfless enough to actually embody progressive ideals, nor is the populace at large. So the progressive ideals cannot be actualized, and we are left with lesser forms of conservative systems which match our actual levels of development. If all people were seriously progressive we wouldn't even need a legal system. But we are not so good.