Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just look at her face. If she is smiling then you are good. If she is recoiling then you are going too far.
  2. Yeah, but we're not really in a position to know which is which.
  3. @shree I wasn't commenting on your personal intelligence, just speaking generally.
  4. If you're gonna do that you gotta pull that same night, otherwise she will feel too slutty to go on a date with you later. It's important to note that girls operate in two modes: 1) fun party horny mode, and 2) dating boyfriend mode. If you're at a nightclub getting frisky, that's mode #1 and you gotta close fast because if she sleeps it off she will be out of that mode and never call you again. And if you're doing mode #2 then don't get too sexual too fast, take her on a date first.
  5. How dare you judge that someone's suicide is illegitmate?
  6. I give acknowledgment to those who say intelligent things.
  7. Come up with the most exotic and unique pizza you can think of. Bonus points for posting an AI-generated pic of your pizza. Alien Crocodile Pizza is already taken
  8. @ryandesreu It's crucial for breaking free of human ideas, constructs, and culture. If you mistake science for reality, your mind is paralyzed for life.
  9. Watching right-wing media
  10. They can do whatever mental gymnastics they want, but you can't sail around a disk along its diameter.
  11. You are conflating relative and absolute matters. When we ask the question: What shape is the Earth? we are asking a relative question, not an absolute one. The question really means: 1) if I travel in a straight line along the ground will I return to the same point or not?, and 2) if I fly into outer space and look back down at the ground, will I see a round object or not? This issue has nothing to do with solipsism or whatever spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Not within your normal default human condition, which is the context of this particular inquiry. The Earth's shape is some way, relative to the default human state of consciousness. What's being asked is an empirical question with empirical consequences, which can be tested. If you claim the Earth is flat then you should not be able to sail around it.
  12. You mean in biblical times? But today's Jews are barely related to those people.
  13. Technically, you don't even know that Earth exists. What you know is that there is ground you can walk around on, but how far it goes and what shape it takes is literally a fantasy in your head. For all you know, the ground could just extend infinitely in all directions and culture is just lying to you to keep you from running away too far. The key is to distingush mental fantasies vs raw experience of the world. If you want to know for sure the Earth is round you'd need to take a boat and sail around to see if you arrive back where you started. It actually won't be too hard to run that test today with a modern boat.
  14. You should take some medication to reduce fever. Search online for names of fever reducing medications. This will help you feel better to deal with your mom.
  15. Don't quit, just take a break. You still have Awakenings waiting for you. Don't fool yourself that you are "done".
  16. It's not a historical event. It's all of human history.
  17. Yeah, there is a ton of spiritual New Age stuff that isn't part of my dream. So what? I don't see goblins either. But I know people who see goblins. Does Sadhguru see goblins?
  18. Yes, there is verbal intelligence but it cannot be measured with vocab tests.
  19. YOU are dreaming everyone and everything, including Sadhguru and his past lives Anything you tell me, I will just tell you that you are dreaming it. The end. Because you are dreaming everything and everyone, you will say anything to deny it. Because that's what a dream requires. So you will deny, deny, deny forever until you're dead. That's what you call life/reality. Oh, and death, you're dreaming that too.
  20. Yes, but also because it was a good time for me since I had finished establishing my foundation and had more free time.