Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It's a weak question because you believe all sorts of stuff that humans tell you all the time. How do you know anything humans tell you is real? You go out and test it for yourself. I could be bullshitting you. Go find out. This work is not about believing me, it's about doing practices to have new experiences of reality.
  2. Just by suffering through it. That's life.
  3. God is not knowledge. That's the cool part. If it was knowledge then it wouldn't be worth anything and we wouldn't be hyping it up. No one can prove God to you, since God is more fundamental than proof. You just have to open your mind to the possibility that there exists something beyond knowledge and proof.
  4. In 20 years you will look back and laugh at how young you are today. Getting old is gonna get so much worse. A horror show. You ain't seen nothing yet.
  5. London has good day game. London has a big night life. London has tons of wings and PUAs. Look for wingmen. Research the best spots in town where girls go. London is one of the top cities in the world for game. So make use of it.
  6. To be fair to Owen, he's developed many aspects of himself across the Spiral, so we should not try to pigeonhole him too much. I said Orange because he's so ambitous and business and success oriented. It's like he cannot just chill, he feels like a rat constantly running after more cheese to satisfy his ego's endless appetite for adventure, excitement, status, influence, sex, etc. Of course he has spiritual qualities too.
  7. The problem with the interview was that Don was asking kinda shallow, useless CNN style questions. Which is why I think Musk got annoyed. You have to understand that a serious creative like Musk want to talk about more substantive issue than to respond to his own Tweets. Lemon doesn't get that and nitpicks Musk on political correctness. Musk is not a politically correct guy. We all know that. There is no point asking him about that. If would like if Don Lemon did a long interview with me but only asked me questions about stupid shit I posted on this forum over the years. Why would I be interested in such a pointless interview? Yes, people inevitably post stupid shit if they are social media long enough. That's not an interesting discussion. Musk posts stupid shit. I post stupid shit. It happens. Overall, Musk's answers were pretty straightforward and genuine. You don't have to agree with his politics to see where he's coming from. But people keep looking for outrage.
  8. Blue? Owen is lost in Orange.
  9. Hahaha That's exactly why this approach cannot work. Ain't noone ready to hear that level of truth.
  10. Could be allergies. See eye doc for special eye drops that alleviate allergies. Allergies could be from food or environment.
  11. In that case, cry an ocean for all the Mormon girls.
  12. Imagine if I had to delete all my videos and start from scratch. That's what Owen did. Mad respect for that. Owen is a beast. But to be fair to the girls, he did post a lot of obnoxiously sexist and immature stuff. And Julien was a total jackass.
  13. Add AI to your design pipeline. Stop thinking of yourself as a code monkey but as a software designer.
  14. He was forced to. YouTube would have banned him. He lost his whole company from JulienGate. You guys don't understand how badly that hurt him. It's like he lost his baby.
  15. Don't forget what happened after 9/11. Most people were cowed into a stupid anti-Islamic, pro-American backlash, left and right alike. Nothing surprising here. As expected. The Zionists are at it as we speak. Busy like a kicked nest of hornets.
  16. Maybe it wasn't scarcity 5000 years ago. No lights, no problem.
  17. Of course. You gotta make it enjoyable for yourself.
  18. The AI gods require human sacrifices. Engineers make for good snacks.