Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I could say the same to you: Easy to say from your couch outside of Gaza.
  2. Conservative is a much broader notion than Fascism. Brains are wired to be more conservative or more liberal. This wiring then guides one's political inclinations. For example, the Taliban, Osama Bin Laden, and Quakers are very conservative, even though they don't fit into your narrow definitions of what a Western conservative is. Conservative minds have existed since the dawn of mankind, in every part of the world, in every era. This conservative attitude then manifests itself in a thousand ways depending on the specific circumstance of the era and part of the world. Nazis have conservative minds and brains. That's the fundamental insight that is being missed and that I am pointing to. You should watch my videos: Understanding The Conservative Mind Understanding The Liberal Mind I explained it all there.
  3. Fascism is fairly specific thing and has a pretty specific academic definition. Here's how Wikipedia defines Fascism: "Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum." Really, the two clear examples of Fascism are Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy. Beyond those two the notion starts to get stretched.
  4. Fascism and nationalism are right-wing and conservative. So this statement contradicts itself and your own prior admission that Nazism is right-wing. Right-wing means conservative. Stop playing games. Nazism is also illiberal. Don't overlook that basic point.
  5. Ah, I see.... So maybe the title really means that Jews are committing genocide.
  6. I asked the Claude 3 Sonnet AI about this issue. Here's what it said: My Question: Claude 3 Response: But I guess Clause 3 is too woke.
  7. You don't need to waste money to talk to girls in London. Just go approach girls on the street corner.
  8. The issue is that Musk lets his whims dictate the moderation of Twitter when it would be far better to have a consistent set of guidelines which is applied impartially by an independent panel of experts or judges. Musk should take himself out of the loop, but he's too egotistical to do that. He likes being the king of Twitter. But that's not good for the platform.
  9. Yes, that can be allergies. Go see an eye doctor. They know this kind of stuff.
  10. Every community requires rules beyond what is strictly illegal. You cannot dine at a restuarant barefoot. For example: Kanye West was kicked off Twitter by Musk for posting a swastika. But swastikas are not illegal. Hence Musk is full of shit. What Musk should be saying is: "We will do the bare minimum of moderation that we can get away with. That will be Twitter's philosophy." That would be an acceptable and reasonable position for him to take. Musk is not framing his position properly, which leads to needless drama and outrage.
  11. Except no online platform can exist without moderation, including his own platform, so that is BS logic. It's like saying you want to run a government without laws because laws are repression. Okay, but that just means you don't understand what government is and you should not be running it. The problem is that Musk does moderation to suit his own agenda. YT has moderation and never in 10 years have I felt censored. Every community needs rules for people to follow as a precondition for being part of that community. Even criminal gangs have rules.
  12. Bethesada ruined the Fallout franchise so bad. I don't understand how people find this appealing. It looks so cookie-cutter and fake.
  13. Online forums. That's how the whole pickup movement got started. RSD sprang up from online forums where guys shared tips on how to approach girls.
  14. That's what extreme nationalists do. Why do conservatives in America wanna deport the browns? Hitler considered Jews to be liberals, Marxists, Communists, and globalists. Jews were the source of the liberalism he opposed, both in ideology but also in physical form. The Jews were the embodiment of everything that was corrupting the purity of German tradition, blood, and soil. American conservatives believe that hispanics and gays are corrupting the purity of white America.
  15. That's rich, starting a thread about how Jews are the ones being genocided today.
  16. Of course it goes both ways. But how do you know how much any girl has slept around?
  17. We are well aware of Musk's posts and political leanings by now. I don't see any point in grilling him on it. Don Lemon came off like an SJW demanding Musk to account for this thought-crimes. It feels so tired. Yes, Musk has some bad political takes. If you look at how Lex Fridman interviews guests, he doesn't try to grill them with SJW political questions. And it results in more meaningful answers. Don Lemon was just repeating his CNN show on Twitter.
  18. It's not just you. He has become a cartoon of himself. Haha
  19. God can't be communicated to you. If it could, it wouldn't be God. You take the limits of communucation for granted.