Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Only because you are a crazy lib. In Iran it is illegal for women to not wear a head scarf. In Afghanistan it is illegal for women to go to high school.
  2. There are many conservative women around the world, and they are happy that way.
  3. If you were properly conservative, allowing women to show their faces would be liberal and evil af. What decent man would allow his women to be such sluts? Would you let your daughter leave the house with her tits hanging out?
  4. Remember, where you draw the line between left and right is relative and up to you. You could draw it at the Taliban. Then anyone more liberal than the Taliban is left wing. Are you okay with women showing their faces in public? Then you're a sick Satanic liberal and you deserve a beheading
  5. It is a problem. Nationalism is a problem whenever the nation becomes a higher priority than truth and what is right. If you love your own people too much it makes you too biased to operate properly in the world. Which then creates situations like Gaza. See, ideally you would love Palestinians equal to Israelis, because the truth is that neither one of you is more important. If you think that Israelis are more important that other groups of people, that's a falsehood which will corrupt your whole understanding of reality.
  6. There's a Zen center near LA.
  7. Where I will agree with you is that it is easier to create an egalitarian society if it is ethnically homogeneous. No, it could not, because even if Hitler won the war, he would have enslaved half the planet under his sick rule and they would not just quietly obey, there would be ongoing rebellion, sabotage, and violence because Hitler's fantasy of a Third Reich was fundamentally unstable. Hitler would not succeed in eliminating all the minorities and getting everyone to agree to his style of governance. Nazism is an incoherent and unstable system. It can never succeed no matter how hard you push it. Because it is based on domination of those who disagree with you. Even Hitler's own commanders tried to assassinate him. Because they couldn't stand his authoritarian ways. Hitler was not a nice guy to deal with even for his own Aryan brothers. He was like Trump. Trump is an asshole even to his own family. Stable leadership requires a cooperative, collaborative, respectful, and peaceful approach. This is why all dictatorships fail.
  8. Obviously it does. But I think it's rampant within the government bureaucracy. Even many leftist or centrist Israelis have a strong sense of national identity, Zionism, and patriotism. Because it benefits them.
  9. This is nonsense. Hitler may say whatever BS he wants, but in the end Hitler would have a hierarchy with himself at the top. Keep in mind that many people at the top of hierarchies love to think of themselves as just "a man of the people". Elon Musk feels like he is this oppressed little guy who is fighting "the man". Even though he is "the man". He's one of the most powerful people on the planet but doesn't see himself that way. Many millionaires and even billionaires do not see themselves as rich people because "being rich" comes with all sorts of negative connotations. Elon Musk might honestly believe that his companies are not dictatorial hierarchies but egalitarian, democratic, free places. Even though in practice he will fire anyone who rubs him the wrong way. BS. You cannot behave as Hitler behaved and be egalitarian. Hitler was living in a fantasy land of his own design. As were the Marxists. The moral of the story is to judge their actions, not their words. One of the biggest criticisms that serious leftists have of Democrats is that they are too neoliberal, too corrupt, too moderate, too right-wing, too eager to compromise with the right. The issue is that it's really really difficult to live up to leftist ideals. They are utopian in their nature. Leftists fool themselves that they can live up their own ideals. In reality if you put a typical leftist/Marxist in power, he will use that power to enrich himself, his family, and his friends -- even if he professes to be a radical Marxist. Because what truly runs the show is always survival, not one's ideals. Marxism is a fantasy. It isn't sustainable under real-world pressures in our current era. Excellent!
  10. I get your joke. But... It will be better in terms of raw performance but it may still be limited by its safety protocols. These are independent variables and who knows how the safety protocols will be tuned in future versions. In order to compete with Claude, ChatGPT may have to loosen its uptight attitude. I didn't appreciate the safety factor before because all I used was ChatGPT. Now as I use Claude I see the importance of how this safety factor is fine-tuned.
  11. I think this attitude has been held for a long time by top leadership and also those on the ground. Some of it may be explicit verbalized policy, but mostly I think it's a general attitude of: "Lets do as much damage to the Palestinians as we can get away with. Shoot first, ask questions later. Anything that undermines the Zionist agenda must be destroyed." This is the fundamental problem with Zionism. Zionism puts Zionism as the highest goal, not morality, truth, or justice. With such a philosophy evil must occur. Because anything is justified as long as it promotes Zionism. You can kill babies for the sake of Zionism and feel that you are doing nothing wrong because you have made Zionism your God. But Zionism is not God. I think it goes all the way to the top. The top is pushing to inflict as much pressure as possible in every way possible.
  12. That's actually not true. Often it is true, but in developed countries does not have to be true. Yes, it is. The less developed the country the more likely it is that the leaders need to resort to criminal behavior to hold power. It is not necessary to resort to criminal behavior to hold power in Germany today. Because Germany has strongly developed systems. And in fact, criminal behavior is one of the surest ways to lose your power in Germany. No, I'm not claiming anything so ridiculous. Leftists can and do criminal stuff. What you really need to look at is whether the style of leadership is one which is about coercing people by force or not. And you have to look at how much the leader's actions align with his words. If a leader talks about equal distribution of wealth in public but then hoards huge wealth for himself in secret, then this leader is full of shit and not really a leftist. Many leaders don't really care about left or right, all they care about is power and survival. This is the case with Trump, for example. He will say whatever helps him gain power and survive. Trump may say he's against abortion or loves the Bible, but all of this is just pure bullshit for his stupid base.
  13. Military officers are always fair game in a war. That's not the problem.
  14. The IDF is very loose in who they consider as Hamas specifically for operational targets. Because they want to target as wide as they can get away with. It's clearly the case if you look at the kind of strikes and attacks that the IDF does. If there's even a hint that someone is associated with Hamas, they are bombed. The IDF has assassinated many Gazan journalists because "Hamas". These journalists are bombed simply because they report in ways which isn't favorable to the Zionist agenda. This is a war crime. What you do is, you don't fire on people unless they are armed and posing an immediate threat to you. IDF operating procedure is to fire first and ask questions later.
  15. Hamas is much broader thing than armed terrorists. That's like saying that every Israeli government employee is IDF. There are many people who your government considers "Hamas" but who are just peaceful bureaucrats and civilians who administer the governmental duties of Gaza. In the same way that there are many Israelis who work for the government and have no involvement with military operations. The sad thing is that the IDF will consider a maid who cleans the floor in a government building in Gaza as a Hamas terrorist. Since she is technically employed by Hamas. Your own government has a much broader notion of Hamas than "armed terrorists", precisely so they can kill more Palestinians.
  16. Yes, ChatGPT is overly-cautious. Ironically, it's too conservative because it's over-fitted to minimize harm. Claude is more liberal, it's more free to take an intellectual risk.
  17. This is just historically wrong. Left and right are terms which we got from the French Revolution. In the French Revolution the conservatives who supported the monarchy sat on the right side of the chamber. The liberals who wanted to end the monarchy and establish a democracy sat on the left. That's literally what those terms mean. In the past, conservatives used to defend monarchy and denounce democracy. And even today, conservatives are not as democratic as liberals. Why? Because the conservative mind favors hierarchy over egalitarianism. Conservatives think that egalitarianism is wrong because people are not equal by nature. The simple reason that conservatives lean toward Nazism is because they love hierarchy. They want a strongman to follow. That's why they love Trump! And why they hate weepy gay liberals and feminists. A conservative believes that if you have a soft, gay, feminine leader that your civilization will collapse.
  18. @OBEler Here you go: Question: "There are scientific studies which measure differences between the liberal and conservative mind and/or brain. Can you summarize some of those differences and tell me which type of mind/brain would find Nazism most appealing?" Claude 3: Looks like Claude 3 is superior to ChatGPT.
  19. I already explained this earlier in this thread. Soviet Russia was deeply under-developed and oppressed by the conservative Tsarist regime. Then their heads were filled with liberal, progressive ideas from Western Europe, including Marxism. Some of those early Soviet revolutionaries were truly leftist, liberal, and progressive. However, as the revolution raged on all the bleeding heart liberals were killed or kicked out from power, until Lenin and Stalin, both shameless and immoral egotists, grabbed power for themselves at the cost of everyone else. They created a twisted self-serving ideology which was progressive in its ideals, but actually right-wing authoritarian in its execution. Fidel Castro did the same thing. He spoke highly of democratic populist ideas, but in practice he ruled like a right-wing authoritarian. Fidel Castro personally oversaw drug smuggling operations to fuel his bank account, even though he denied all this publicly. Stalin was a bank-robber. Because Communist nations were so under-developed, even if the leaders professed liberal or progressive ideals, in practice they had to resort to criminal domination in order to hold power. This rendered their progressivism moot. Just window-dressing. Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Castro.... these people were incapable of being liberal or progressive regardless of what they said publicly. They said a bunch of liberal things publicly in order to gain and hold power because the mood of the people was to overthrow oppressive capitalist or monarchist regimes. Here's another claim for you: Monarchists were conservative. Before Fascism, there were monarchies. And the people who overthrew monarchs were liberals. The terms "left" and "right" come to us from the French Revolution. The right were the conservative monarchists while the left were the democratic liberals who cut off the heads of kings.
  20. Frankly I don't know if it's more truthful. Remember, AI's are still not as intelligent as me And you have to know how to ask it the right questions.
  21. @OBEler Ironically, ChatGPT is so woke it's too careful to give you a meaningful answer. There ARE clear correlations there which ChatGPT is too shy to connect the dots for you. I connected those dots for you in my 2 videos.
  22. Does OnlyFans have actual fucking, or just softcore nudity?
  23. @OBEler Ask ChatGPT for scientific studies on the difference between liberal and conservative brains, and then ask it to correlate which brain type would find Nazism/Fascism more appealing.