Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Risk of pregnancy is very real. Best solution is to get vasectomy. You can store some sperm on ice in a bank just in case.
  2. Chronic fatigue can have 100 possible causes. You will have to do a lot research and experimentation to troubleshoot them one by one. There's no one obvious solution or cause.
  3. Sex can be done in higher consciousness ways. But few people are doing that. Most relationships are unconscious and dysfunctional.
  4. What I said is nothing like denying our ability to destroy ourselves. You made a weird leap there.
  5. It's not about Hitler. Hitler was a product of his culture. And the culture that created him no longer exists in the developed West.
  6. Culture has permanently developed a lot since the 1930's, so that level of oppression and bigotry is no longer possible because people are no longer that racist or hateful.
  7. I'm not gonna examine every possible edge-case. You figure out for yourself whether something is conscious behavior or not.
  8. Many serious PUAs are horndogs with overactive sex drives. They are like drug addicts for pussy, and they need new pussy constantly. It's like being a pussy vampire. Similar to how Jeffery Epstein was a sex vampire. Or they are addicted to the excitement of it. Which is why they are incapable of committing to one girl.
  9. Todd Howard has turned Bethesda into McDonalds for gamers. Bethesda is dead to me.
  10. If you're gonna make mega threads could you at least spell and capitalize the title properly?
  11. No. It's not the same at all. Serious love and relationship takes commitment and effort. That's very different from chasing after sexual excitement. Pickup involves effort too, but it's not the same. Being a gangster also takes effort. That doesn't make the activity very conscious.
  12. I said *could*, not would.
  13. The dispute was not about whether he was right-wing but whether he was conservative.
  14. In this thread I'm not telling you how you should live your life, whether you should pursue sex or not. I only explained the connection between sex and low consciousness. You do whatever you want. You decide for yourself how ethical you wish to be.
  15. You guys are not yet aware of how much manipulation you do. It takes many years to understand it.
  16. If you're having sex with dozens and hundreds of girls, you're def hurting some of them in that process. Most PUAs are so selfish and unconscious that they don't even know when they hurt girls. I'm not saying hurting is mandatory. I'm just saying it tends to come with the pursuit of sex. Sex is a very corrupting force. Does that mean it is gauranteed to corrupt you? No.
  17. The manipulation of people to maximize sexual opportunity is low consciousness. Just in general, sex and everything revolving around sex is low consciousness. The reason that is, is because the only reason you care about sex at all is because it is mechanically coded in your animal nature. And as you pursue that sex you lose consciousness to attain it. You lie. You manipulate. You cheat. You hurt others. All for a few minutes of pleasure and excitement. Have sex if you wish. Just notice what you're doing to get it. But also, if you repress, deny, or neglect your sex drive, that could be even worse.
  18. Human survival has always been more about social skill than physical size. Which is why women are most attracted to leadership, status, charisma, and social intelligence. Women aren't stupid. They like exactly what helps their children survive. Women don't need your muscles, they need your leadership and social connections.
  19. No, your mind is just filled with liberal nonsense.
  20. Do you guys even know that if a woman has sex before marriage in Iraq or Afghanistan, this brings so much shame to her family that custom demands that her own father or brother kill her, in order to bring honor back to the family. That's life in Afghanistan for women. Not your liberal shit. The Nazis were libs relative to the Taliban.
  21. There are healthy and unhealthy forms of nationalism. Nationalism is necessary. But it is like handling a cobra who will bite you if you make a wrong move.
  22. Until she gets raped and impregnated and runs to you crying. Then you will understand why conservatives are conservative.