Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. A real man gets a girl pregnant just by sticking the tip in.
  2. I don't mean STDs, I mean pregnancy. STD risk is way lower than pregnancy risk. And many STDs are curable. I know a few PUA friends who caught an STD but cured it. Pregnancy can ruin your life worse than an STD. Of course it all depends on the details.
  3. This would be for girlfriends, not one night stands. Girlfriend STD risk is very low. Many of my pickup friends rawdog girls on one night stands. It's an insane thing to do, but they somehow get away with it.
  4. Bad boys have AIDS, good boys do not.
  5. Ana Kasparian got a nose job and she looks way better now. Her nose was really bad before. But again, do not get distracted. If you guys are micro-worrying about your looks you have lost the plot. The real solution is to transcend caring about your looks.
  6. Only if it is badly done or over-done. Like makeup, you have to be subtle about it, otherwise you turn yourself into a clown. But as a guy you almost certainly don't need surgery on your face.
  7. @NightHawkBuzz No, you build a portfolio now, before you get a position. Do small personal projects to add to your portfolio. Do not wait for an employer to do it for you. Spend a year building personal projects, just for your portfolio. This will be better than any degree.
  8. That's one hell of an apology.
  9. @Osaid You can talk all you want but there is no kangaroo in your experience right now. But there could be. Where is that kangaroo? It's hidden from you. You are not conscious of kangaroos, no matter what excuses you concoct. The end.
  10. 1) He's a mega-celebrity with status. 2) He's got a model-like face. Being skinny is not a big deal if you have other good features to compensate for it. It's also about how the entire package looks as a whole, not any individual feature. Chalamet looks good on the whole. Although his look is very specific. I bet some girls would love him and others would not. He's got a sort of polarizing look. But any Hollywood celeb is basically good-looking in some respect. They don't put ugly people in movies. (Except Jack Black ) It's certainly less appealing than otherwise. But some women are into skinny guys. Just like some guys are into skinny girls and some guys are into thick girls.
  11. It doesn't mean that. There exist kangaroos. Kangaroos are made of consciousness. But a kangaroo is not currently in your consciousness. You guys love to talk nonsense. The nature of consciousness is to hide and reveal parts of itself. Most of consciousness is hidden from you for good reasons. If all of consciousness were revealed to you, you would melt into a puddle of goo.
  12. No. If that were true there would be no point in doing spiritual practice. There would also be no point in taking psychedelics.
  13. @Princess Arabia That is wrong. A nice muscular frame looks more attractive than a thin spindly frame on a man. And women certainly notice it intuitively and subconsciously. Will that alone get you laid? Probably not, but it will grease the wheels.
  14. It's cute that anyone thinks I'm a sex addict.
  15. "That's not what your mom told me last night."
  16. No, but I was planning on it. I don't have much sex right now so it's not a top priority for me.
  17. No! Go to an eye specialist!
  18. Muscles and height are relevant. But there are bigger factors which you should be focused on. The point of all this talk is to not get distracted. Keep your eye on the ball if you want to succeed with girls.
  19. This is obviously false. You have more consciousness right now than you do when you're napping.
  20. 1) It's not unusual for a condom to slip off. This will certainly happen to you if you have a decent amount of sex. 2) You can purchase Plan B, morning-after pills on Amazon. You should have some in your bedstand at all times, in case your condom slips off. Then you can offer your girl the pill without having to drive somewhere to buy it. This makes your life much easier and less awkward. If you have to drive out to find it, the odds are higher that she will not take it. And the sooner she takes it the better it works. 3) Vasectomy does not destroy your capacity to produce sperm. Your nuts will still make sperm, which can be extracted with a needle if you seriously need children. 4) Sex with condoms sucks. Sex would be way better after vasectomy. A vasectomy is really a no-brainer unless you're serious about children. Having a pregnancy with the wrong girl at the wrong time can ruin your whole life. A vasectomy takes 5 minutes and costs $750.
  21. The biggest difference between Vegas and other places is that at least Vegas is honest about it. You don't think that LA, San Fran, NYC, London, Miami, Dallas, Paris, and Tokyo worship money?
  22. Degrees matter little to companies. Getting more degrees will not solve your problem. What you need is a good portfolio of work and demonstrate the kind of results you can deliver to employers.