Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Following does not require worship. Leadership is necessary and important for mankind. And it can be done well, where the ones following are made into sheep.
  2. There are different kinds of tinnitus. One kind comes from sound damage to the ears, other kind is brain related. Medications can also damage the ears or the brain.
  3. JP is full of conservative bullshit. JP doesn't even have enough intelligence to understand why monks and saints refuse to have children.
  4. That's garbage. That's not a cure for tinnitus.
  5. Your conception of conservative is too narrow. You're using some narrow notion of it from political science, whereas being conservative is a deeper structure of the mind independent of political science. Colonial slavery, for example, was conservative. Even though today's conservatives reject slavery. That's only because today's conservatives are massive liberals. You guys are just fundamentally not understanding the relativity of these categories. You're not seeing the bigger picture of how all these things are interconnected. Conservative is not any set of positions. Conservative is the clinging to the past, to stick to traditional ways because your mind is closed to new ways. It makes no difference what those ways are. A conservative would pierce a bone through his dick just because that's what this daddy and grand-daddy did.
  6. There is no problem following men. If you do it consciously.
  7. Basic history. Study your history, kids.
  8. You could make your own camper van or RV and travel around the country making videos of your nomad lifestyle. People on YouTube do such things.
  9. And you guys ask me why sex is unconscious. This is why. Just look at the manipulative monster it made you.
  10. @Nilsi The issue isn't capitalism, but excessive mindless capitalism. People get so stuck in capitalism they never discover the higher aspects of life.
  11. You should have been building your portfolio throughout your college years. You didn't do that, so that's why you don't have a job. A degree is never enough by itself to entice an employer. You need a juicy showcase of your work. Why would an employer hire someone without a portfolio over someone with a portfolio? It's just common sense. All employers care about is evidence of being able to deliver quality results.
  12. It doesn't matter. Just vibe with the girl. Make as much fun sober as you would drunk. It's about driving your own state.
  13. Travel vlogging is the obvious way. There are also some jobs and careers that involve lots of travel.
  14. As we said before, left and right are defined relatively, so yes you can find versions of left and right all along the Spiral, in the same way that you could take any length of rope, cut it at any point, and you will always have a left and right end. In the future cyborg humans will be fornicating with hot space aliens and all of us here will be regarded as conservative savages.
  15. Infinite Consciousness dumbs itself down to create a human consciousness. Don't fool yourself. You are a dumbed down version of God. The full version of God is hidden from you.
  16. Check Psychonaut Wiki for dosage recommendations.
  17. You can easily search any blog using google: "site:actualized.org/insights/ ear"
  18. Orally? Sure. That'd be a pretty small dose orally.
  19. It can be a similar level of intensity to 5-MeO-DMT. God-Realization sure. But your results may vary.