Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. There's quite a big difference between a frog and a frogfish. Like the difference between a test and a testicle.
  2. You make a good general point here. However, calling Trump post-modern is like calling a dog post-modern. That would be to give the dog too much intellectual sophistication.
  3. They are not honest enough to even admit the evil. Never mind changing it. How hard is it to admit that America was a racist country in the past? That doesn't require any change of it.
  4. Yes
  5. They are identical in effect. Just isomers of each other. White DMT is not necessarily more pure than yellow DMT. Some people make the mistake of judging purity by whiteness.
  6. That's true of conservatives in general. They have a fantasy of the past. Case in point: Last month Nikki Haley said that "America was never a racist country." And she is far from a Fascist. But that's how stupidly conservatives tend to think. Conservatives are in deep denial about the evils of their tradition and past. Because they see themselves as champions of it.
  7. There are two different molecules of DMT, white and yellow.
  8. The human mind is wired to either be strict or loose. The looser your mind the more prone you are to oddball mystical experiences and hallucinations. It works like an AI. You can tune an AI to hallucinate a lot or a little. And each comes with trade-offs.
  9. I'm not a post-modernist. Post-modernism is dumb.
  10. I never claimed that Trump is truly conservative. I said he is a demagogue. Look up what that means. Trump is conservative mainly in the sense that he has chosen conservatives as marks for his con, and if he gets power he will advance the conservative cause.
  11. @Nilsi Your view of politics is so nutty that I am not going to explain much more to you. You have a lot of wrong ideas that require rethinking. Post-modernism is not a dog. Post-modernism is a philosophy. To be post-mordern requires having certain epistemic positions.
  12. Tusli Gabbard is right-wing. She is a traitor to the left and deserves to be shamed and mocked by the left.
  13. You could say that about any human capacity. However, humans are not endlessly flexible and our minds have certain genetic limits. This is especially true when it comes to mystical experience. Some people hear demonic voices talking to them, and that's not something you can just achieve through training. Or even if you could the amount of training required wouldn't be worth the effort. So you have to consider whether any training is a good return on investment for you. For me, practicing astral projection just never made sense.
  14. Astral projection is not God-Realization. Don't confuse the two.
  15. No. He is not a post-modernist. He's just a selfish con-artist demagogue. Such people have existed since the dawn of civilization. Trump is incapable of telling you what post-modernism is. Trump is not post-truth. He's just a liar. In the same way that a child stealing from a cookie-jar is not post-modern, he's just a liar.
  16. This is not a good topic. Don't infect others with negativity and horror.
  17. @Antor8188 Nice work!
  18. Remember, all these things are relative. And you have some very strange placements there. Tulsi Gabbard is as left as Bernie and more left than Williamson? Haha
  19. Astral projection only works for some minds. Astral projection does not exist for my mind. People who do astral projection just assume everyone can do it. That's not the case.
  20. Yes. Because it would serve him best to return America to the 1950s, pre-hippie days, where racism, homophobia, and misogyny were acceptable. Where he could grab women by the pussy and they couldn't do anything about it. Trump has no consistent ideological position other than what would best serve him. Leftism doesn't serve Trump because it requires empathy, care, and fairness for others. Trump is incapable of being seriously conservative simply because he cannot control his own behavior and he is driven too much by lust and greed. Being truly conservative requires disciplining your own behavior. Which many so-called conservatives are incapable of doing.
  21. Camping and bushcraft videos are also very popular on YT. Much cheaper to make than an RV
  22. Disgust is one aspect of it, sure. But all conservatives are also driven by fear. It's both. Just look at JP himself. He is visibly driven by fear and also disgust. There's also hate. Ultra conservatives tend to be hateful people. Transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, hate speech, racism, violence... these are all hallmarks of the far right. In the end it all boils down to selfish, biased, conformist, unconscious behavior. A lack of empathy and universal love.
  23. Sex and rape is the same phenomenon in different degrees.
  24. In the same way MAGA is fundamentally about clinging to the past. Nazis and Fascists cling to the past. I already explained that multiple times in this thread. You are looking at superficial things about Nazis. Just because they are radical does not make them liberal. Not everything bad is attributable to conservatives. Liberalism at the wrong time, in the wrong way, leads to many problems. Such as for example if we defunded the police or allowed unrestricted access to hard drugs. I read a story recently which said that Oregon state has created a disaster by legalizing hard drugs. The number of addicts skyrocketed and now their have to reverse course. This is liberalism gone wrong.
  25. It can be grey. Could also be purple or pinkish.