Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Metrics show that Opus is slighter better than GTP 4. But they are so close that it will depend on individual applications. I would focus less on which AI you use and focus more on the quality of questions you ask it and the creative uses you come up with for it.
  2. Yes. Reading books is very slow and comes with a lot of filler content which isn't relevant to a question at hand. Solo work is important, but it can be hard to work based off nothing. The AI helps to seed your mind with fresh ideas, like having a brainstorming partner. And two minds are more powerful than one, if they communicate well. You can use the AI to find gaps in your logic, which is hard to do solo.
  3. I wouldn't call it a mistake. It just wasn't his style. You can't really ask people to not be themselves because that would also not work.
  4. I don't distinguish between the two. If you ask it, it will tell you it has no perception/experience, and there is no reason to assume it is lying.
  5. I have not even used ChatGPT 4, only 3.5. So I cannot tell you. I find Claude 3 to be better than ChatGPT 3.5. But again, this probably varies depending on your use-case. They are both pretty good.
  6. No. AI does not have perception or experience. It is like a human mind stripped of experience. Which is a new kind of entity. It is like someone took the linguistic and symbolic capacities of the human mind, stripped it free of everything human and living, and packaged it into a box.
  7. You might get the idea to jump out the window to reunite with God. Or any number of crazy ideas harmful to life.
  8. Sorry, don't buy it. Too much spiritual BS in this field.
  9. Obama did not like the game of wrangling congresspeople. He was more of a lone wolf. A lot of this boils down to personality type and personal strengths and weaknesses.
  10. AI is a lot more than data. A pile of data can be rearranged and interconnected in a billion new ways.
  11. Who needs girls when you can just sext with Claude?
  12. Don't be mean-spirited. She has a right to her perspective and she expresses herself well, unlike you.
  13. Proof? Where is the data for this theory?
  14. Guys get horny, women get horny. Not so complicated. On average women are less horny because it would harm their survival to be as horny as guys.
  15. Look, if this isn't obvious to you by now, nothing I say can help you.
  16. The supplement astaxanthin makes the skin not sunburn as easily as usual. So you could take a few pills before going in the sun.
  17. Journalists are allowed to have their own opinions and biases. Some could like or dislike Biden. But Trump is another level. You have to be seriously compromised in the truth department to like Trump. Journalism is not a neutral profession like entertainment. Journalism requires truth and integrity.
  18. They aren't animals, they are just fundamentalists and nationalists.
  19. There is no comparison. No left politician lies like Trump.
  20. Of course journalists hate Trump. Because a core value of journalism is truth and Trump lies 24/7. Notice that those in the news biz who like Trump are not serious journalists, they are hacks, entertainers, and grifters.
  21. Yes, although slavery is much older than that so it's not like they invented slavery.
  22. Trippy