Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I said a mind without experience. Which is a strange sort of entity which no one thought was possible. It's much more weird than a mind without a body.
  2. The more you think about Claude's ability to comprehend the nuances of human language, the more amazing it looks.
  3. No. You don't understand what consciousness is or how it works.
  4. I use the paid verison of Claude, which can handle a lot more prompts.
  5. You can just ask the AI to play devil's advocate or constantly keep giving you counter-examples to your theory. Claude is certainly capable of that. You can tell it how you want it to behave. For example, I told it to be less verbose in its answers and it did so. You can also tell it to be less flattering and agreeable. It's important to coach it on how you want it to behave, not just use its default behavior. "I want you to do x, y, z and not do a, b, c."
  6. Be careful about poisoning your mind with negative news and media. Make your own life happy and meaningful and then the world will stop looking so evil.
  7. @Exystem If you feel my conversation was biased you are welcome to have your own and compare the results.
  8. @Hardkill You make some good points. I was being overly cynical. America has had plenty of good leaders. I guess I have become jaded by the last 30 years of leadership. It feels like American leadership has declined a lot in quality in my lifetime.
  9. FYI, that entire conversation of mine, all 60 pages, was 20k tokens in size. So Claude's buffer can handle conversations 10x as long. Gives you a sense of the scale. You can also upload files for Claude to read and talk about. This eats up the buffer. For example, I could upload an outline for a new video, and ask it to give me improvements.
  10. Yeah. What amazes me is how this AI is so good based on so much filth scraped off the internet. You'd think it would have some low-consciousness opinions from scrapping the whole web. But it's like it got all the best of the web and none of the worst. All the human bias and filth has been filtered out. What an amazing invention. Its ability to comprehend my questions is insane. Better than human. It even comprehends my humor without skipping a beat. You would think that an AI would be autistic and would struggle to understand emotions, abstract concepts, and ambigous meaning. But no. None of that.
  11. Yeah, it's kinda mindboggling how the US made it so high with so many cretins around. The Founding Fathers were geniuses though.
  12. I am developing the AI Devil.
  13. @Ahbapx As I said, I make no distinction between the two.
  14. Sorry, but I just can't be bothered to explain Trump yet again. Go ask an AI to give you a bulleted list of why Trump is a fucking devil.
  15. I don't even know what that means.
  16. I don't really have strong favorites. FDR was good I guess. Other than him I don't know which Dem in the modern era really stands out. There were all pretty weak and centrist. And the Republicans are aweful.
  17. For me the biggest difference is that GPT is too cautious in its answers. To much text wasted on harm reduction platitudes and political correctness. I need an AI that isn't afraid to take a clear stance and call out bullshit. But maybe GPT4 is better at that. I don't know.
  18. I don't have much to say about it.
  19. There is nothing I grow tired of more than spiritual talk.
  20. Oh, one big advantage Claude has over GPT is buffer size. Claude has a 200k token sized buffer, which means it can remember much longer conservation threads, which is important if you are doing long-form philosophy.
  21. There is more to life than spirituality. I don't need AI for that purpose.
  22. I think he did a decent job given the opposition he faced. Obama is very wise, but he is pretty centrist in his views. He doesn't believe in really shaking up the status quo. So you could fault him for that. But it's not like he would have been able to pass radical leftist policy even if he wanted to. I would maybe rate him a B- or C+ from the progressive position.
  23. My conversations were not about spirituality or metaphysics. There's not really a point in summarizing it. The magic of it is in the full conversation. It's not really about the content.
  24. Synthetic DMT can also be yellow. Although usually yellow DMT is extracted. Synthetic DMT is rare.