Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's the perfect example of trash content. Literally Hunter's dick pics.
  2. And ya'll act like civilization is gonna collapse because Zuckerberg down-ranked some unhinged racist conspiracy theories and censored some child porn. What social media companies censor is the worst forms of trash-intelligence content. The most worthless and toxic information. Anything intelligent that is actually said is not censored.
  3. God is white but black from the waist down.
  4. Another profound way to see God is as Infinitely Holographic. Every part of Infinity contains a whole Infinity inside it, and is itself part of a larger Infinity. Infinities all the way down -- and up.
  5. @Rafael Thundercat You can't be a PM Wizard until you see the whole series. Only then are you ready to face Darth Peterson.
  6. Should be easy to google that. Leaders of any terrorist or para-military organization are gonna be pretty rich, this is normal. Bin Laden was a rich boy. Terrorist groups are like the Mafia. They do crime, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, extortion, theft, etc to make millions.
  7. It's nice to see that not all Israelis support this war.
  8. What if you aren't inside anything? Maybe you being inside stuff is just an assumption.
  9. The universe is a cell inside your Mind.
  10. Because intelligence is unpopular and stupidty is the opposite. Loving intelligence requires intelligence. Loving stupidity requires stupidity. The better the politician the less popular he must be.
  11. Postmodernists don't really have a grasp of subjective reality so much as various socially constructed realities. PM's view of things is biased towards seeing reality as primarily a social phenomenon, not a 1st person one. Which is why they deny truth. They can't find truth because they are looking for it in the wrong place: the social domain. Of course there is barely any truth to be found there.
  12. Because he has the anti-establishment brain rot.
  13. I haven't bought from them in 4 years. But they sell good stuff. I don't know your condition so I cannot tell you if chelation good for you. Only you can decide that after doing some research. Trust your own judgment, not mine.
  14. How do you know it's not good?
  15. Martin Ball came before me, but I did my part.
  16. I wonder, is it legal to make a pedophiles for Trump campaign add? "Hi! I'm a twice convicted pedophile and I support Trump all the way to the White House. He's my man. He'll make pedophilia great again."
  17. PM video done. Just need to edit/render it now. Will be out soon.
  18. What percentage of DNA do modern Jews have with Biblical Jews? Honest question. I don't know.
  19. Conflating relative and absolute. If privacy isn't a thing, why does Sadhguru hide his most advanced teachings from the public?
  20. Let's get a thread going that showcases the deep intelligence of survival in nature. This helps people see the intelligence and sneakiness of survival in the human realm. Try to post examples not merely of survival, but the intelligent, deceptive, and sneaky nature of survival.
  21. You can introspect and just notice in yourself when you are trying to get handsy with her just because you are desperate to feel her body. When you notice that neediness, make the counter-intuitive move to not act it out. There is a difference between esclating because you feel it's proper vs desperately grasping as much as you can as soon as you can. The latter comes from neediness. Make her crave your touch by strategically withholding it. One of my pickup buddies put it this way: "My touch is gold. She has to earn it." If you adopt his attitude, you will not over escalate.