Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Your chemical needs to be very pure for injection. And you are never sure of the purity of your chems, so you'd always be gambling.
  2. That's not related to AI. Game studios are always doing layoffs and closures. Then they reform and rehire. That's just the nature of the industry. There are cycles. Lays lately have probably been from the marker crash and the end of 0% interest rates on capital. Capital is much tighter now so every company is tightening its velt. No game company has enough data to train the kind of AI that would make game artists obsolete. What these large companies will do is create narrow, specialized AI tools. Like there could be tool that generates texture for you to use on the models. Or a tool that helps with certain repetitive animation tasks, etc. Companies who get too lazy and try to rely too much on AI to make games will end up making bad games, like Starfield, and soon go out of business. Games live off uniqueness and creativity, not cookie-cutter stuff.
  3. Realistically AI will only replace low-level artists. You just have to adapt to doing art at a higher level. Design vs drawing lines. All work is gonna become less technical and more creative and abstract in the long run.
  4. Like people, some nations have ambition and some do not. The higher one's ambition the more people one will step on to acheive it.
  5. I will answer that once I talk about the possible cure.
  6. Do you even realize that there is no one to enforce law on the US? There is little pain from the US side. The pain is all outsourced overseas.
  7. By buying billions in weapons and by millions in donations and legalized bribes. Palestine is too poor and too foreign for the US to really care about it.
  8. Why would it? The US and Israel have much in common. Israel's selfish and closedminded foreign policy is outdone only by the US.
  9. You don't need to own people who already share your perspective from the outset. Why would the US support or care about Palestine? What doesn't Palestine do for America? Nothing. The only reason people care about Palestine is for social justice reasons. But US policy is not based on social justice, it is based on survival.
  10. Because Israel is a country built on "western values" and Palestine is not. And because of religious alignment. The Israel-Palestine conflict is actually a proxy war between Judeo-Christianity and Islam. Look at who supports Israel and Palestine most passionately, it's the religious nutcases. They are fueling this war from both sides. Two different Stage Blue neighbors cannot co-exist peacefully, because they are both too dogmatic in their ways. It all boils down to values alignment. In most cases people just reflexively defend the side that aligns with their values.
  11. That's the problem of Stage Blue, the Conformist stage of development. The problem isn't Islam, the problem is getting stuck in deep Stage Blue, and that's where most of Islam is today.
  12. Technically chicken wings are brain-related, since they are processed in the brain.
  13. Not a good idea. If you do it wrong you will get problems in the injection site.
  14. AI is extremely limited in making usable game art. And the AI companies will simply not have enough raw data to make powerful enough AI for that for a long time. AI is not magic. It's only as good as the training data. And game training data is very limited. It's not like text, stock photographs, or stock videos. Game artists will have work for a long time to come. But, yes, you will need to incorporate some AI tools in your workflow.
  15. Term limits are important. Otherwise someone gets in power who rigs the system to forever stay in power.
  16. SJWs care about much more significant things, including genocide.
  17. I'm not a member of any organizations. Is it worth it? Probably not but I don't know.
  18. It's way more intelligent than its IQ though, due to humans having so much bias. Jordan Peterson probably has a pretty high IQ. But his bias cripples the intelligence of anything he says. Chris Langan supposedly has one of the highest IQs in the world, yet his political takes are cringe. The problem is that IQ tests don't measure bias nor cognitive development level. So you could have someone with 150 IQ who is a Nazi.
  19. You would know better than I. Social justice, moral superiority, virtue signaling, or whatever.