Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Why are you limiting this discussion to only law? Politics is obviously bigger than that. Why avoid my point about gender fluidity when that'a clearly a huge leftist position?
  2. @Emerald You are being way too technical when it suits you. Policy is not just law. But if you want law, look at NAFTA and all sorts of globalist free trade agreements.
  3. @Emerald Much of leftist policy is not strictly law. Teaching gender fluidity in schools is not a law. But it is none the less a worrying trend. A lot of leftist policy is cultural. Like encouraging people to have free sex and get abortions.
  4. Drug decriminalization in Oregon. Oregon's addiction rates have skyrocketed and now they are forced to reverse course. Will leftists ever admit that legalizing all drugs does more harm than good? No. They will shift blame elsewhere and make excuses.
  5. I gave a list of problematic leftist policies in my recent blog post. Abolish the police is one of them. Gender fluidity is another one. Printing money and going ever-deeper into debt, with inflation. And many more.
  6. That's one of the problems with leftism: it yearns to do good but in a naive and foolish way which often ends in virtue signaling and moral outrage more than actually workable policy. Yes, leftists are morally outraged at ICE and the police in general. But abolishing these things is like sweeping a turd under the rug. Leftists do not have a workable immigrantion policy. Their policy is just go let endless immigration happen and things will be cool. But they won't be cool. Because most people aren't leftists. - - - - - This isn't about you. It's about a general point about the blindspots of liberalism.
  7. There is definitely diminishing returns. If I cared about money I should have made a lot more courses.
  8. You can say all that but the bottom line is that you are ignoring the potential harm that leftist polcies can cause. You are shifting the conversation to avoid acknowledging that.
  9. If all abolishing ICE means is moving those duties to another department then it's a meaningless gesture. But leftists don't want a meaningless gesture, they want to literally abandon those functions. You are trying to have it both ways. You want to abandon those functions but not admit that you are doing so. This is how leftists fool themselves. The fact is that at the end of the day someone with a gun has to stand guard at the border and deal with a flood of illegals, drugs, crime, etc. There's no abolishing that.
  10. That's a good example of what I mean. You really wanna abolish ICE? And who will deal with all the illegal drugs coming over the border? The term "open borders" doesn't only mean 100% open borders. It broadly means the loosening of all sorts of border enforcement policies. There are many degrees of this liberalization. We have an immigrantion crisis on the border right now because of various liberalizations. Abolishing ICE would be one such liberalization, and you are not taking seriously that this policy could cause more harm than good. This one example demonstrates my whole point.
  11. I do have a morality video planned.
  12. Yeah, but the EU has strict rules for membership. US states have open borders but that's very different opening to the outside. Because the states are roughly equal in economic and other kinds of development. And to be in the US a state has to adhere to many Federal laws.
  13. Of course no country actually has open borders. However if extreme leftists had their way the borders would be a lot more open, and that could create serious problems which they are in denial about.
  14. When it comes to building government, yeah.
  15. All of morality just boils down to minimizing the suffering your selfishness causes others.
  16. I dabble in it. I make prototypes.
  17. It's hard to say. I have a lot of experience using AI to make game art, and what I found is that it's so limited I still needed to hire concept artists. There is no way an AI can replace a good concept artist at this point. But who knows how it will be in 10 years. I suspect that there isn't enough data in the world to make seriously creative art AIs. It will take a lot of time to create that data. And until then AI art will be very basic and derivative.
  18. Survival. The job of the military is to serve its tribe, not international law. The world is not developed far enough for international law to trump national law.
  19. The people who run militaries are not progressives or SJWs. They have their own kind of group-think.