Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's exactly what I would expect from a Tony Robbins event. These events are designed to be cashcows for him and to hype you up. If you wanna get hyped up, his events are perfect for you. But if you're just looking for wisdom and knowledge you can get that easier from online and video courses. People go to Tony Robbins for the hype-up experience. That could be useful. Experience is king.
  2. Yup, that's the devil in question.
  3. That's not something you should be telling your girl. You're gonna make her insecure and doubtful. She doesn't need to know about your every dirty urge and thought. Porn is also very helpful for satisfying your urges in a healthy way. You guys are too negative on porn in that sense. No girl will ever satisfy all your urges. Learn how to take care of yourself without harming her.
  4. Rupert Spira sells a CD set that is all guided meditations on God. It's like 12 hrs of content. You'd probably like it.
  5. The stuff you resent her about, you should communicate with her about that to try to clear that bad air. All relationships require communucation and clearing bad air. If the communications keeps failing then you can break up with her. But first try to communicate. And if you decide to cheat, just break up with her first. This will be much better for both of you.
  6. It can be. You could fry your nervous system. Which is why don't dose too high.
  7. The worrying part if that your real children might invent a brand new gender.
  8. It certainly aims to clear up one's confused thinking, but there are many degrees of seeing reality accurately and deeper. CBT is limited in that regard but still useful to get the basics straight. So its usefulness depends on where you are in your journey.
  9. 1) The #1 goal should be truth and accuracy of your perception. 2) Being negative and cynical is then not truthful nor accurate. 3) Hopeful fantasy is also untruthful. So that's out. 4) True optimism comes not from waiting for good things to fall upon you, but from knowing that if you follow timeless principles you can work your way towards good things by creating them for yourself. 5) It is true that through hard work and creativity you can create great things for yourself and the mankind. 6) There is always a chance bad things will fall upon you. That's just life. But you have some control over how you handle it and you can turn many bad things into good things through hard work, intelligence, and creativity.
  10. Do not wait for the government to save you. That never works. Save yourself.
  11. Losing awareness is not a breakthrough experience. A breakthrough experience is when you are conscious. Losing awareness is like falling alseep. It doesn't gain you anything other then maybe rest.
  12. I doubt you will make much of a dent in corruption by telling people to stop being lazy. I don't know of any culture that values laziness. Maybe island culture? But that is a small percentage of the world. Most cultures are hardworking.
  13. Inflation is close to old levels. Regardless, the solution is to make yourself productive and valuable so that you earn good money and don't have to worry. This has always been the principle to live by, so nothing has changed. Be more creative, more productive, and more valuable. That's what your mind should be worried about, not inflation.
  14. That's a place I don't know. I don't know what the culture is like there. If there is nightlife then you can do pickup.
  15. I disagree. When you combine unmet sexual needs and immaturity in an echochamber with no mature leadership, you get toxicity. I've been in those circles, I know how those guys think. It's hard to understand it without going in it. I didn't go into pickup because of shame or any kind of shadow stuff. I went in it because I needed a practical way to get a girlfriend and there wasn't really any other way. All the mainstream dating advice is weak garbage and doesn't produce results. Guys who want results want a hardcore approach. But that hardcore approach is then ruthlessly pragmatic and transactional. Like a business. It's not much different than if you wanted to make a bunch of money quickly. That requires a cutthroat attitude. So that's what pickup becomes. Incels and MGTOW communities are built around victim mentality and bitterness towards women. Guys who won't or can't take action slide into Incel and blackpill community. MGTOW is more about divorced guys who have been hurt.
  16. That's part of the story. But mostly it's simpler than that: guys are just horny and want pussy. And when they don't get it they get very pissy, manipulative, and invent all sorts of stories and rationalizations about it. The pickup community is just an elaborate scheme to satify guys' need for pussy. It's hard for women to understand this because wome don't have the same need.
  17. You need to make friends with guys who are good, follow them, and learn from them and watch their results. Just doing it by yourself you will make too many mistakes that will tank your results and you won't know why. Pickup works but it requires pretty specific rules.
  18. Regarding #1, I am not in the business of making changes to 3rd world countries. Or even 1st world ones.
  19. CNN does not cover international news like that because it isn't popular.
  20. See, you want CNN to say that, but that's your empassioned perspective. CNN is not in the business of saying such things.
  21. CNN is designed to be watered down news, like McDonalds. So no one finds it offensive.
  22. It does work that way for the left. The problem is that the left excuses away all their failures and blames the right. How about Marxist revolution and confiscation of property and wealth? Is that law enough for you? Plenty of leftists want this. And it's been done before with plenty of harm. High taxation is standard leftist law. And leftists are also in denial that high taxation is harmful. The problem isn't lack of laws, the problem is denial.
  23. Plenty of media discusses the apartheid issue.
  24. IDF is a gang of young men raised in wealth, given a gun and told to shoot people.
  25. Is printing a bunch of money, going into debt, and creating inflation a law? No. But it sure is policy and can be very harmful.