Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I didn't include ones that don't have clear Wikipedia pages.
  2. Women have the need but it is different.
  3. Legality varies around the world and we have many international people here. So people should judge legality for themselves based on their local laws. I am not going to regulate that. But as forum policy we avoid links to shady activities. Shopping on eBay is fine.
  4. There's a lot of overlap between Red Pill and pickup. But less so with Incels because they took the path of victimhood and inaction. Pickup community requires massive action, so that excludes a lot of the lazy, depressed, and hateful people.
  5. That girl looks 15. Why you posting creepy stuff on this forum?
  6. The most important thing is for you to develop yourself into a mature and conscious leader, with integrity. Otherwise your community will turn into a cesspool from your own corruptions.
  7. It's not a legal issue per se. It's just a policy to reduce problems for us as a community. We don't want to develop a reputation for shady activity.
  8. Can and could, but not must, and not even a majority I would guess. It feels like you want to put pickup guys into this shame box which you have constructed in your own mind. Of course some of them fit in that box, but I would be careful about over-generalizing, especially since you don't have personal experience going through pickup, so you're sorta speculating about what it's like to be a man and why men act as they do. It would be sorta like if I said that women overeat because they feel hidden shame. Or maybe some women just like to eat junk.
  9. Sourcing is prohibited for illegal items.
  10. Personally, I never felt shame when entering pickup. I just felt inexperienced, insecure, and eager to learn how to get good with girls. You can do pickup just for the mastery of it as a skill set. You can also do it for the adventure. Outsiders don't realize what a rush and exciting adventure the pickup journey is. It's like traveling around the world. The adventure of it is better than the sex. When you're on the pickup journey life becomes exciting and fun.
  11. This is a good read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shame
  12. They are roughly at the same level, with differences mostly in style and manner. Don't worry about which is best, worry about how to use either one for something useful.
  13. I wouldn't call that shame. But, yes, many men feel that way when they struggle to get sex.
  14. Learning video editing and recording skills is quite easy. There are online courses for all major video editing software. I use VEGAS editing software. It's easy to learn. Recording is easy to learn too. Just buy a Sony camcorder and start recording yourself speaking. You will learn as you go and make refinements. Getting big on YT is hard. You have to be very persistent and offer something fresh and new and high quality. You have to publish content very consistently, like a full time job. There are many ways to make money from YT. If your content is mainstream and gets millions of views then you can survive off ad revenue alone. If your content is more niche like mine, then you can still make good money by offering courses or products on your website.
  15. Starting any kind of community is dangerous. But especially one around the pursuit of sex by immature and desperate men.
  16. SHAME, definition: "A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior." Inadequency might apply better to this topic than shame. Men feel inadequet, and often for good reason, because they haven't developed themselves yet. Pickup at its best helps men to develop themselves into mature masculinity. Although of course most PUAs stay immature.
  17. I do not take the no-porn movement seriously. You are over-playing your hand. But I acknowledge that if you get addicted to it then it's good to quit.
  18. Nonsense. That may be true for some people who abuse it, but not everyone.
  19. They are both insanely powerful. Both will rip your reality apart in very different ways within a minute. Salvia will be more terrifying.
  20. You can buy clean seeds online, eBay, etc.
  21. This. I think he might even have another set beyond that. Can't recall. I am not talking about his YT videos.
  22. Key word there is CAN. Cheating on your girlfriend is far more toxic.