Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. It varies by breed. Siamese cats have big teeth problems. That's what I had. As I keep telling you people: GENETICS!
  2. Are you kidding? Have you ever had a pet cat? They have serious teeth problems. Their teeth rot out. They need regular teeth cleanings or things can get really nasty. It varies by breed. As I said, tooth health has a big genetic component. If you have the wrong genetics you will have a lifetime of tooth problems. Of course diet is a big factor too. Eating lots of grains and sugars ruins teeth. The SAD is really bad for teeth. In the wild, animals have less teeth problems because their diets have no sugar nor refined carbs. All teeth are genetically adapted to only be good for a certain type of diet. Outside that they start to fail. If you are prone to cavities the best thing to do is to get your molars sealed by the dentist. This sealing makes cavities nearly impossible.
  3. When a tribe of people are under violent attack, they regress and no longer act like advanced liberals. That's how terorism works.
  4. It is just one piece of a large puzzle.
  5. I've used non-flouride charcoal toothpaste for like 10 years now and I haven't had problems with cavities. I also consume plenty of sugar. But there is a genetic factor here. Some people have bad teeth genetics. I would say, experiment with more kinds of toothpaste until you find something that suits you. You can also go to the dentist and get your teeth sealed with a compound that prevents cavities from forming. Ask your dentist about it.
  6. Biggest pet peeve: humans.
  7. Suppose you're lying that you're not God, for that same purpose.
  8. Work extra on nights and weekends while cutting back on your effort at the day job. Or save up enough money to quit your day job. Or find another job that is less demanding so you have more time for your side hustle. Depends on your niche and depth of video. At least once a week is good, but maybe you need to upload even more if it's short videos. The content. Your link is broken for me. Well, you'd have to try it out and see if people find it valuable enough to follow.
  9. Immature dating advice isn't going anywhere. It will be popular as long as there are hordes of immatue and under-developed men.
  10. Stay tuned to the blog and maybe I'll post some. Good movies are rare these days.
  11. @bebotalk All that means is there was corruption.
  12. This is easily explained because IQ measurement is related to education. And education is bad in poor countries. Lack of food also lowers IQ. So the causation is reverse of what you think.
  13. This is a silly notion of pickup. No girl is gonna sleep with you if she doesn't like you.
  14. Do you have any idea how much more charming my conversation skills are with women now than before pickup? My verbal game, sense of humor, charisma, confidence, and ability to handle women has skyrocketed. That's the attractive part. This comes naturally with massive experience. Pickup is mostly just about gaining massive experience with women. What most guys experience in a lifetime I have experienced in a few years. And women don't care how you got the experience, they just like an experienced man.
  15. You are framing this as good vs bad when in reality it's about people who take action to improve their attractiveness and those who don't. Women don't want lame "good guys".
  16. Find the Wikipedia page for confused.
  17. It's silly to blame this on pickup. Girls go out and party and socialize all the time. So they could always find a new guy to sleep with if they want. The solution to being cheated on is to develop yourself into a stronger and more attractive man, through pickup. If you do pickup there is no need to sleep with taken girls. You can easily just target single girls.
  18. @Dodo It's important to keep the following context in mind: Many men are natural pussyhunters, regardless of pickup. Pickup just formalized the activity and gave it a name. But pussyhunting is a natural aspect of masculinity regardless of you views of it. It does not take a lot of brains to be interested in pussyhunting.