Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. And now you understand why corruption persists in the world. But also, we don't have laws that execute people for scamming. Although we should.
  2. Of course. Because those campaigns could end up reelecting Trump. Leftists are so wrapped up in idealism and virtue signaling that they could end up advancing the far right agenda. If Trump wins, how many Supreme Court judges will he elect this time around? And how much of Christian fundamentalist lunatics will they be? The Progressive left is so smart they're stupid.
  3. Because a deep peace was reached after WW2 in Europe which was only broken by Putin 2 years ago. Israel's situation is different. They cannot reach a deep peace because they are squatting on land which does not belong to them.
  4. Obviously. But there IS a path for him spoiling it for Biden. That's what the lunatic lady in the video outlined. Watch the video again. That's why I highlighted this situation.
  5. Depends on the volume of the mall. 30 is a lot of approaches for day. But certainly you could do that occasionally. Could you do it every day of the week? No, they will kick you out.
  6. Only God knows all the scams Trump has pulled.
  7. For sure the Dem establishment plays dirty. They don't want someone like RFK Jr to co-opt the party in the same way Trump co-opted the Repub party.
  8. America and Canada have never been attacked by anyone in the last century. The only exception is 9/11, and that just proves my point. You saw how America regressed after 9/11. Pearl Harbor is the other exception but the US was already preparing to enter the war.
  9. He is courting the right because his people are brainwashed anti-establishment anti-vaxxers. There is a superficial similarity between the anti-vax left and right. They both hate the establishment. So in their minds Biden is the greatest evil because he represents the establishment. But in this kind of simple-minded anti-mainstreamism, something foolish could happen, like reelecting Trump. Anti-vaxers, for the most part, are not very intelligent people. Their political sense is bad. So they make grave mistakes like helping Trump win. This is not the first time that some lunatic got up on stage and ranted on behalf of RFK Jr. He attracts such people. Which is why he's dangerous. Anyone with lunatic non-mainstream ideas will be drawn towards RFK Jr, thinking that they are being intelligent when they are actually being retarded. I will take Biden over such lunatics. These people don't have a serious understanding of politics nor reality.
  10. I did a deep dive into this. What I realized is that all the original people who made Morrowind so unique and special left Bethesda a long time ago. And now there's only Todd. And Starfield shows you the kind of weak creative vision that Todd has. Todd is a good manager and producer, but he does not have the visionary and creative talent necessary to make truly inspiring games. So what we get from him is cookie-cutter stuff. If Todd wanted to make great games, he would hire a creative lead who is a visionary and let him refresh the old formula while Todd plays producer role. But this would require a lot of humility on Todd's part. I won't be holding my breath.
  11. Ken is one of the only authors worth reading.
  12. I wanted to like it, but it's bad.
  13. When I say "genetics" I am not really making any special appeals to science. All I mean is, the stuff about who you are which cannot be changed by any amount of effort. For example, the fact that you have a human body and not a kangaroo body is a function of genetics. And there is nothing you can do to change that, no matter how much spiritual bullshit you consume. You don't need to be a scientist or a geneticist to make the simple observation that every living organism has a certain foundation for its being which it cannot change and must live with, which define that organism's basic capacities, strengths, and weaknesses.
  14. It's not a lie. Israel is attacked with rockets regularly, and with terror attacks like in Oct. You can argue about Israel's guilt in all that, but that they are under attack is a fact. And regardless of someone's guilt in the big picture, if you violently attack them then they will regress in their liberalism.
  15. A single staffer could have gone rogue, however I suspect that many of his staff tacitly approve of her words given how confidently she was saying it.
  16. Imagine if Trump got a death sentence for all his lifetime of scams. Now that would be law and order.
  17. It's gonna be the same stale formula, watered down even more, with even more cash-grab monetization schemes built into it like $50 blue horse armor. Bethesda as an original game maker is dead. I would much rather play a small indie game that has some originality to it.
  18. It varies by breed. Siamese cats have big teeth problems. That's what I had. As I keep telling you people: GENETICS!
  19. Are you kidding? Have you ever had a pet cat? They have serious teeth problems. Their teeth rot out. They need regular teeth cleanings or things can get really nasty. It varies by breed. As I said, tooth health has a big genetic component. If you have the wrong genetics you will have a lifetime of tooth problems. Of course diet is a big factor too. Eating lots of grains and sugars ruins teeth. The SAD is really bad for teeth. In the wild, animals have less teeth problems because their diets have no sugar nor refined carbs. All teeth are genetically adapted to only be good for a certain type of diet. Outside that they start to fail. If you are prone to cavities the best thing to do is to get your molars sealed by the dentist. This sealing makes cavities nearly impossible.
  20. When a tribe of people are under violent attack, they regress and no longer act like advanced liberals. That's how terorism works.