Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That is too precious an experience to hand out to such cretins. 5-MeO is a reward, not a punishment.
  2. It would be pretty easy to pass a law which says that if you scam or defraud over $100M, then you could get the death penalty. Very simple, clear-cut law. Honestly, why don't we have such a law? What innocent person is it gonna harm? You don't scam $100M+ by accident. These are highly intentional crimes. The only reason such laws don't exist is because 10% of Wall Street would be executed.
  3. We don't know if climate exists
  4. Anything fun could get serious real quick. So you'll never know until you try it. You're rolling dice.
  5. Relative to Black Pill, yes. This forum can be a time sink and a distraction, but it is not toxic or negative. This is a place to feel less lonely in your personal dev journey. It can be lonely out there.
  6. No. You are misusing the notion of "imagined". Gravity is also "imagined", but that doesn't mean you will unimagine it.
  7. Feed and program your mind with positive empowering content and by taking action on building your life.
  8. Meh... I say we execute a dozen Wall Street scammers every year. To keep the rest in check. Will be worth it.
  9. #1 thing you must do immediately is stop consuming toxic, low consciousness, negative content from the internet. Nothing can help you if you keep brainwashing yourself with trashy content from trashy people. Only listen to positive successful people.
  10. It's not about ignoring, it's about accepting and moving on.
  11. Okay then. So Oct 7th was just war, so don't cry to us about beheaded babies.
  12. Bernie is not a Dem. So course the party leadership will oppose him.
  13. In 2016 yes. In 2020 no. Bernie lost fair and square in 2020.
  14. The real criticism is not of the soldiers, it's of the top leadership and their selfish nationalist policies. The soldiers are just the pawns.
  15. The one with more muscles and more development has a higher responsibility to use restraint. That's the principle. Is Israel morally superior to Hamas or not? If it is, then act it. The problem is that Israel wants to claim moral superiority and victim status in this conflict but not do the work to be morally superior.
  16. 6.6% The actual number of votes Cenk got in his own primary.
  17. No, that's not what is happening here. We don't need to assume. It's clear as day by IDF actions that they are abusing their power.
  18. The IDF does not do terrorism. But it certainly does a lot of war crimes. When you have carte blanche to do war crimes, terrorism is unnecessary. Terrorism is done by the powerless against the powerful. The powerful do not need terrorism because they have more effective means.
  19. I have no issue with Cenk running for office. But he is so bombastic and obnoxious in how he speaks and criticizes the establishment as being losers when he can't even get 10% of the vote in his own election. It's delusional.
  20. But why is it the media's job to give people with little name recognition airtime? They are barely mentioned because they are not appealing to most people and the media lives off clicks and views. I would like a more democratic process overall, but in this case there wasn't a good challenger and I don't like how progressives always frame it as neolibs robbing them of victory. There was no progressive chance here. It's not like I love Biden. I'm just realistic about the alternatives. I don't want to waste time on virtue-signaling leftist theatrics.
  21. That is the perfect analogy, although Trump is more of a scammer than a psychopath.
  22. I don't use that term anymore. He's pretty conscious and intelligent though. For a human.