Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Intelligence. There is no way around this. It is circular. You need intelligence to see intelligence. The only one who can appreciate God's intelligence is God. A human cannot. So, when you become God, only then will you appreciate the infinite intelligence of your structure (the universe). But you could just walk outside, look at a humming bird and see the sheer intelligence in its design. This is one tiny step towards seeing God's intelligence.
  2. The reason is something like: the universe is how it is and not otherwise because it is the most intelligent way it could be. If it was otherwise it wouldn't be as intelligent. You would need to infinitely conscious and Omniscient to understand universe's structure in detail. But you can realize that it is maximally intelligent.
  3. There's no way that could work. Politics demands high social skills and social intelligence, which engineers are terrible at. Politicians need to be charismatic and likeable and people need to relate to them. No one is gonna relate to an engineer. And most importantly an engineer would not have the skill to handle all the behind-the-scenes socializing and deal-making that politicians must do to be effective. Politicians have to manage hundreds of elite social connections to be effective. Even Obama was not so good at that because he's more of a professor archetype than a typical politician. Engineers would be unhappy as politicians. Like fish out of water.
  4. I mean, Lex is playing the game of being the world's biggest interviewer, so this is right up his alley. But of course Trump is not worth interviewing because he's simply a bullshit artist. I don't even want to waste my time listening to it. There is no point giving someone such serious attention when they have such a long proven track record of lying. We all know exactly who Trump is at this point. Nothing he says can undo his own record of lies and crimes.
  5. Memes celebrating psychedelics. Post 'em if you got 'em.
  6. @Exystem Thanks. Glad you liked it.
  7. This is BS. Someone who shoots civilians and is Stage Red is not going to follow codes of conduct.
  8. Of course, but they could argue they are targetting enemy combatants. Look, I know they engage in devilry too.
  9. It's not the same. Israel does some war crimes and sloppy bombing, but that s not the same as terrorism, taking hostages, shooting indiscriminate rockets at cities, etc. It is not necessary to make this conflation for you to advocate for Palestinian rights. It doesn't help your cause to exaggerate.
  10. Textbook example of a strawman and poisoning the well. How many JP fans could articulate what PM is and what core philosophical insights it's based on? Or the limitations of modernism?
  11. "Legitimate" is relative and socially constructed I am not claiming that Hamas should not fight Israel. But Hamas does use terrorist tactics.
  12. You don't know what I know. I wasn't assuming. If you did any decent amount of research into how such groups operate you would know that everything I said is uncontroversial and obvious. Don't BS us. Hamas are terrorists and proudly so. Every terrorist group fancies itself as legit military resistance fighting for a noble cause and justice. Hamas are not unique in this. Ha. When I say they make millions that does not mean they do so for personal luxury per se (although of course they do), they do it first and foremsot because a terrorist organization requires tens of millions to sustain its members and activities. Terrorism/military is expensive. No war can be won without moucho $$$$$.
  13. You don't need to try to capture God. You are he. God has no difficulty speaking about himself by any number of linguistic schemes. Meow.
  14. It's just not a serious danger in a developed nation. The real serious danger is our epistemic ecosystem getting so flooded with shit that people think a perfecty legit election was stolen or that a serious pandemic is a government plot to control you. Half of Americans are drowning in so much toxic bullshit that they are eager to reelect a narccistic lecherous glutonus neo-fascist rapist criminal conartist traiter -- thinking this will magically improve our situation.
  15. It's very simple: create a career for yourself that earns you decent money and then let go of chasing after money beyond that. Make enough to live well and then focus on the truly meaningful things.
  16. But does that cat know it's a cat?
  17. Yes, and that infinity is inside all the other infinities. It's an infinite hall of mirrors.
  18. @Davino Good to hear. Part 2 will be juicier and deeper. Part 1 was just the bog-standard intro stuff.
  19. By the time they put that in USB form your files will transfer at 250mb/min.
  20. Brother, that's how society has always been for 10,000 years. People in power get to make those calls. And they can lose their jobs and lives for it. That's the tacit bargain. There cannot be some magic perfect system. And corruption, error, and bias will always be at play. That's why we have elections.
  21. I will only agree to that if I see cases of healthy, intelligent, honest discourse being censored in meaninful quantity. I am not going to be tricked into opening the floodgates for right-wing racism, intellectual dishonesty, conspiracy nonsense, and propaganda. What the right-wing is really complaining about is being blocked from polluting the epistemic ecosystem. That's what all this whining about "censorship" is really about. Which is why I do not take it seriously. It's bad faith. A bully crying that he's not allowed to bully.
  22. Money is pure distilled survival. Money is survival moonshine
  23. The left has been targetted by the CIA and FBI for 80 years. This is nothing new for the left. Facebook is the least of the left's problems.
  24. How about you body analyze Trump's torrent of verbal diarrhea?
  25. Sure, but make it intelligent please.