Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. What I said is practical. It's not hard to make a course on Masculinity & Femininity and teach it across the country. The only obstacle is the political will. Such a course is badly needed and eventually it will be taught. Empty whining and debate on this issue doesn't actually solve anything. What I said is a real solution and you could even get bipartisan support for it because it is so common sense and simple.
  2. No. That's precisely what teaching is not. Of course they are. The truth is that adults are not mature enough to teach it to them.
  3. Millions of people kill themselves each year. How is this any worse?
  4. Happy healing, Owen. I once had a wing who twisted his ankle and was out on the street gaming girls the next day in crutches.
  5. They don't change but your awareness and clarity about what they are can certainly change. It takes years of introspection to come to know yourself. It's good to re-visit your Me Sheet every few years.
  6. Any of them could. Just depends on your genetics. I don't like micro-dosing. But your tastes may differ.
  7. I have a solution that might be workable. Teach kids about gender fluidity, but also make them take a class called Masculinity & Femininity. This class would teach kids how to embody masculine and feminine energy. The problem with gender fluid ideology is that it does not actually teach kids how to embody being masculine or feminine, or how to figure out which way is best for them. Kids need to be taught 3 things: masculinity, femininity, and non-binary. Then they can choose.
  8. When you realize that Tucker is a demagogue, that's all you need to know.
  9. Let me know what you think: https://www.actualized.org/insights/leo-does-political-philosophy-with-ai
  10. People have different goals when it comes to dating. Whatever makes you satisfied. The methods of game don't tell you what your goals should be. That's on you.
  11. But many parents are transphobic and closedminded so kids cannot get help from them.
  12. There is no limit other than spam and flood controls.
  13. 1) Not only approaching but all kinds of social interaction and dealing with women, dating, physical escalation, foreplay, sex, and relationships, inner game, confidence, humor, verbal skills, reading social situations, emotional intelligence, masculinity, and more. 2) Success in the field of dating and dealing with women. Other areas of success require other kinds of practice.
  14. However young is needed. People are so different that there is not going to be a simple number that fits everyone. Really, parents need to help guide their kids through it individually as issues arise. That's why there cannot be a simple law to address this issue.
  15. Combining 5-MeO with harmalas can cause internal bleeding and bruising. It's very physically dangerous. Don't do it. This is not some online myth.
  16. Because your bad state of mind might simply be from lack of material abundance and success.
  17. To get good at any skill requires thousands of practice sessions. Thousands of golf balls. Thousands of writing days. Thousands of baskets. Thousands of rounds in the boxing ring. Thousands of music sessions.
  18. @Extreme Z7 But the problem is that young people are the ones who most need to experiment with gender roles because they haven't found a solid identity yet. Once you're a mature, developed adult your gender is a solved problem. It's like saying that sex is best left for mature adults. But sex isn't something you can hide from teens no matter how much you try.
  19. What am I to do about it? I can't take a heavy hand towards free speech because that would make me a tyrant. The reality of any social system is that people will fight each other, argue, criticize, and disagree. That's democracy.
  20. The military actions of Zionists go beyond mere collateral damage.
  21. I don't do propaganda. Have you lost your mind?
  22. Exactly. Now say this to the Zionists.
  23. This goes both ways. Apply this logic to Oct 7th and all of Hamas activity.
  24. Business first, psychology second, if psychology remains. If you need a million dollars, psychoology will not help you. You need a million dollars. There are legit reasons why you might need a million dollars. Of course there are also illegitmate reasons.