Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. That's right. And I haven't even discussed insanity yet.
  2. OP asked about strengths.
  3. Tell that to the Palestinians who got executed last month.
  4. I was speaking about your individual strengths. Note the context of this thread.
  5. Don't over-generalize. Most Green people can appreciate the value of masculinity and femininity without making them some rigid, exclusive, traditional roles. If you consume too much online politics then you will get a skewed picture of this situation. Politics and culture wars on social media are not an accurate representation of how people feel about this issue.
  6. How is input a strength?? Something isn't clear there.
  7. You can live in a golden castle, but if your physical or mental health is messed up then you might as well be living in hell.
  8. @Shakazulu Welcome. I don't know what "input" means.
  9. I don't think some of you guys appreciate how hopeless and bad some people's situation is. You can't simply meditate your way out of every situation.
  10. You're way to cavalier about this. All the survival activity humans do matters. The only reason you are alive is because some humans somewhere are slaving away in a mine. All of your spiritual development rests on a material survival foundation.
  11. Therapists fail to help many suicidal people. This is nothing new.
  12. No. To put it simply, young men are baboons.
  13. I don't take anything.
  14. I've been doing that all along.
  15. This topic cannot be simply reduced to science. It's an experiential, psychological, felt thing. It requires subective exploration. We teach poetry and that is not scientific. So this isn't such a radical idea. We have plenty of good role-models. They just aren't popular with the kids. Kids love immature people.
  16. How do we make sure that biology is not taught by a fundamentalist Creationist Baptist preacher or physics by a FlatEarther? Schools have standards for their teachers. An important part of this course would be teaching teens how to distinguish between healthy and toxic forms of masculinity and femininity. This is not something the teacher would invent, it would a standard curicullum based on psychology and social science. Teens would be taught to contemplate and study examples of masculine and feminine figures in history, media, and pop culture, and then discuss their observations, conclusions, and insights. This is very basic stuff which good educators know how to do. You can pay David Deida to write you a textbook on it. Or pool together from a dozen experts and authors in this field to have some diversity of perspective. You could present traditonal and non-traditional gender roles and have teens contemplate and discuss their pros and cons. Frankly, it's outrageous that such a class isn't already the norm.
  17. It's not so hard. David Deida's books explain the masculine/feminine dynamic very well. You can treat the topic as a social science and a kind of applied psychology. Similar to sex-ed. It's not hard to turn masculine and feminine into a course. It's easier to understand than algebra. And it doesn't take 10 years of classes to get it.
  18. That's what the visual I posted was. - - - - - Here's how I like to picture it to myself: Imagine a cosmic octopus who can make sense of reality by using its 8 tentacles to grab objects and arrange them intelligently into various networks, like working on 8 threads at once. And that entire octopus is alien cogniton. It's just a poetic example, don't take it too literally.
  19. The solution is really simple: God just has to recognize and bask in his own genius. You have to learn to just bask in reality without needing to share it with everyone. Sharing has become so abused in our age. The best things in life are too profound to share. You just gotta appreciate them for yourself and that's the end of it. Stop looking for some external validation of beauty -- that is the game of fools. You experience a great thing and you appreciate it quietly to yourself. That's it. It ends there. No pomp, no talk. Make that your spiritual practice.
  20. We are very far way from that. AI still can't do serious creative work. People will just use many AI tools. AI will not do all the work for you. Even if you could just tell an AI to make XYZ movie for you, you would not have enough skill to tell it a great movie to make. The real skill is in the high level direction and design of any project or product. Just very practically, I tried using AI for concept art, but in the end I had to hire a concept artist because AI cannot do what is needed for real-world business needs and artistic needs. AI does not make great art. You can get a few nice pieces out of it with 100s of hours of effort, but it's not enough for any serious project.
  21. 1) There can be different kinds of hyper-minds, so I can't speak to all of them. 2) The hyper-mind that I have experienced is very God-Realized. So it knows that it's God's Mind, but it's much more advanced than a human who knows that it's God.
  22. Case in point of why such issues cannot simply be left in the hands of parents. @Majed Look, if you're not in the mainstream on things then you gotta own your uniqueness and not expect people to understand you. That's just part of being different and quirky. You don't need anyone's validation of your identity.
  23. @Davino It's good that you are thinking about these things. I wouldn't limit hyper-mind to just running simulations.