Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You can't talk someone out of BPD and I am not anyone's therapist. Don't get the wrong idea about what I do. I am a philosopher. I do not deal with mental illness.
  2. Don't glorify your aloneness. Go make some friends. Not normie friends, but friends on your level of development. Seek out a few spiritually advanced freinds.
  3. Hair test is not trustworthy. Provocation is.
  4. No. Not even sure what that means. I don't know about that.
  5. The Zionist side makes the most noise.
  6. You can find so many examples of Israeli spokespersons all over media spreading bullshit. I am too lazy to compile it all. Should be obvious by now if you watch the news. I'm not looking for an answer. Zionists gonna zionize.
  7. You don't necessarily need a cure. You just need improvement in how you feel.
  8. Israel is not on the side of truth in this situation. It's playing shameless survival games. The rest it minutia. And even worse, Israel drags America into its untruthful games. If Israel wants to play its games, fine, but leave America out of it.
  9. Then why such an obvious mounted effort at a PR campaign? Why all the underhanded political manipulation if truth is on your side? Zionists have turned into a swarm of manipulative bees, running all over TV to try to convince the world that they are poor victims in all this. Me thinks thou doth protest too much. The amount of bullshit coming from Zionists on this issue is cartoonish. They are too blinded by bias to see it coming out of their own mouths. Because as a Zionist you have decided that your first loyalty is to your tribe, not to truth.
  10. @theleelajoker It's crucail to get the right ratio between theory and action. Too much theory will put you in hell.
  11. Hard to say. Probably. The biggest issue at the hypermind level is that human issues are of no importance. It's like using a cannon to shoot a mosquito. He definitely occupies a different kind of mental domain than us normies. I wouldn't go so far as to call that hypermind, but it leans in that direction. This can come with serious trade-offs. Higher domains of consciousness can be counter-productive to survival. There's a good reason why normie human consciousness is so mundane, because natural selection killed off all the non-functional, quirky states of consciousness. You should also keep in mind that there's not just higher domains of consciousness, there's sideways domains. They aren't necessarily high, but they are just weird and different.
  12. There won't be any specail limits. I will just explain the dangers and then it's on you. No What is the purpose of the human mind? Why not just be an ant?
  13. Meh... The world is still more peaceful and civilized than ever. Pundits gotta invent problems otherwise they'd be out of a job. Be careful with this doomerism porn.
  14. Fibromyalgia? Research deeper. I have heard of people who improved their fibromyalgia.
  15. You are not going to find a gauranteed solution. Instead what you can do is test out various people and solutions and take strategic gambles. Maybe someone can help you, but no one is going to know who, including the healers themselves. My advice to you is to patiently test various solutions and deeply research your condition and others who have it and cured it. You can find online forums and support groups dedicated to people with your exact condition. That's where you need to go.
  16. That is the difference between those without and those with power. Using terrorism is not necessary when you are in a vastly dominant position. But you have to look at how Israel maintains its dominant position: through lies, propaganda, political manipulation, war crimes, funding of terrorist groups, and theft of land. When you allow yourself all that, who needs terrorism?
  17. It's so simple: without pain you'd be dead.
  18. Of course. That content is for a course.
  19. Those weird quirky shapes are kinds of advanced thoughts. Humans thoughts are so weak that when you think of a chair you don't see a weird quirky shape in your mind.
  20. Thanks everyone. Ya'll are sweet.
  21. I don't know. Probably not.
  22. Sunwarrior is full of heavy metals. Watch out. Powdered food is not to be trusted, no matter how expensive or "vegan" it is. Try to stick to whole foods.