Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. The original purpose of the video is irrelevant to me. I was using it to illustrate a concept that few people understand and which is very difficult to articulate.
  2. Lol Stronghold is about rape and pillaging neighboring castles.
  3. Brands who portray themselves as fancy are selling you bullshit. That's the point of a brand. It's a fantasy.
  4. Lots of suffering but there is no option but to manage it.
  5. The way I view game creation is as art and playing God. You get to create entire new beautiful worlds. That's the magic of it. This is a higher thing than mere entertainment. With that as the focus, I do not care whether a game grows people or teaches them some kind of lesson. That is not the function of games. The function of games is to share the wonder and beauty of another reality. That's the spiritual part. Don't try to use the game to preach to people verbal lessons. That's not what this medium is for. Anyway.... that's just my perspective. I don't try to make games high consciousness, I try to make them beautiful and simply fun.
  6. Of course. Because understanding reality is no trivial task. Mankind had to figure everything out by ourselves, from scratch. God doesn't just hand us down answers. Although I come close
  7. I haven't found anything that works other than carnivore diet. It helps but still not entirely, and it comes with its own serious problems after a while. For me, it's just something I live with all my life. Of course you may be different.
  8. Practically, TikTok is not getting banned. It will just be sold to a US company. So your trashy feed of meme crack will still be around as always.
  9. Of course DMT should be used with harmala extract. But don't combine it with 5-MeOs.
  10. If you use an untrustworthy test to measure your health you will not only get useless results but even harmful results. So watch out.
  11. Cognitive scientists don't even know that hypermind exists. So how are they supposed to study it? I'm not saying it's impossible, but we are a century out from meaningful work in this area.
  12. @Juan The format of shorts is inherently trashy. I see shorts on YT and Instagram. They are a waste of time. I don't want to be on a platform that is made entirely of shorts and no way to control the content but endless scrolling. This is a trash format designed for mindless addicted rats.
  13. Musk doesn't have enough money to buy it. But if he did, he could rename it: ToXic.
  14. Thanks again everyone.
  15. The why is easier than the what in this case. People who don't experience pain die young. This is scientific fact, not just speculation.
  16. You have to start by figuring out what you want. Getting very clear about that. It's hard to help you if you are so vague and general. Good advice requires specificity. We need to understand your goals, your values, your situation, your sticking points, your strengths.
  17. It's hard to say about stuff like that because you have nothing to go on but your direct experience in the end. The rest is guess-work.
  18. There can be a connection. But that's not a connection my teachings explore. Treating mental illness is a niche specialization. It requires specialized experience and expertise. It's not like giving general life advice because you could really harm already fragile people. Therapists who specialize in that go through special training and they get special certifications. And even then it's an uphill battle to help such people. This task requires a lot of time and close attention which I cannot provide over the internet.
  19. I'm conflicted on this ban. It's a mixed bag. TikTok is trashy, but now all that traffic or business is gonna go to some US tech monopoly.
  20. Mearsheimer is a reasonable guy. I was speaking not against him per se, but about the trap of turning his perspective into a kind of doomerism within your own mind. Your mind is cherrypicking all these political videos you watch to form its own worldview, and if you do this carelessly then you might end up in hell, even though the world at large is doing fine.
  21. Diet can be a big factor for causing it. Have your tried elimination dieting?
  22. The better analogy is: if you fell of a ladder and broke your leg, you wouldn't go to Socrates or Plato to fix you. You'd go to a physician.