Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't see why right-wing media would decline when half of the country will always be right-wing.
  2. It's not a scam, but the status associated with it is. People who buy G Wagons do it for status moreso than for a quality car. Because you can get quality car for much cheaper.
  3. As I said, buy whatever you want. Just be mindful of how brands brainwash you with fantasies of their products. No, top universities have higher quality professors and students. Although of course there is a major status game going on there as well.
  4. @Ayham All that is a function of geography, as is Islam.
  5. The difference is there is no brand brainwashing people to buy African masks. Buy whatever you want. But be aware of how brands brainwash you. People don't buy Rolexs because they authentically admire them. They buy them mindlessly as status symbols. I have an expensive Omega watch. This piece of crap broke when I was adjusting the time on it. Now it costs $500 to fix it. A Walmart watch would be more reliable.
  6. Of course it's much worse. No, the reason they are underdeveloped is because of geography.
  7. He is too pro-US actually. Mearsheimer wants the US to use geopolitics to maintain its dominant position at the expense of other nations like China. The only reason Mearsheimer opposes the Ukraine war is because he thinks it is taking attention and resources away from playing hardball with China. Mearsheimer's whole aim is to maintain US hegemony. Which is where his philosophy breaks down.
  8. @Lila9 That's less a Muslim thing and more a development thing.
  9. Mostly. Luxury items are mostly scamming your money to sell you a childish fantasy. Watches, clothes, and cars especially. And the more luxury and pricey they are, the more of a scam it is. It's a mind-scam. These brands fool you into thinking these things are important and valuable when they basically aren't. A $20,000 Rolex is a mind-scam. Nobody needs these items, they don't even have good build quality, and they won't make you happy.
  10. If you did a quantitative analysis it is actually the opposite, but the news amplifies the negative stuff.
  11. But don't overlook that JP came face to face with some of the real limitations of Green utopianism and its failures. So he's not wrong for pointing them out. The only problem is that he takes it overboard and turns it into an irrational overreaction. And in the end his heart resonates most with Blue traditional Christianity. JP is also just from a prior generation, so his views have been shaped a lot by 20th century Cold War issues in a way that is no longer relevant today.
  12. You will revisit your values once a year and refine them based on your life experience. It may take 5-10 years of that before you are solid.
  13. I do receive value from IG. It gives me new ideas and artistic seeds. But it comes with a cost. There is definitely value to be found on TikTok if you look for it. But at what cost?
  14. Games are similar to film and story in that they need drama to fuel them, otherwise they get boring. That drama is usually some kind of combat mechanic.
  15. Those 3 values are so similar that their exact order shouldn't matter too much. This process isn't a precise science. You can refine their order after a year or two of working on your LP once you specify it. As you do the work of your LP, the feedback from your work will help you refine which value exactly matters most to you of those 3.
  16. Keep in mind that the men who are getting angry and bitter are mostly ones who aren't approaching, they are keyboard warriors.
  17. Actually, I got a lot of meaning from working hard for sex, rather than getting it for free from good looks. Guys who want sex for free are missing the point of life. Stuff you get for free isn't meaningful. It's like crying that God didn't put a billion dollars in your bank account.
  18. I was not born with any answers. Answers came to me only through the exploration of my experience, and prior humans doing the same. The cool thing about humans is that we had to figure it all out ourselves. We had to bootstrap ourselves out of total ignorance. Your question is sorta like asking: Why is it so unfair that God didn't start mankind off with cars, computers, and A/C? Why only the privileged have access to them after thousands of years? Well, it's because we had to invent those cars and computers ourselves. God didn't give us anything other than consciousness. This actually makes life very meaningful because everything has to be worked for. I wouldn't want to live in a world where God started us off with cars, computers, and A/C.