Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I'm not gonna disappoint people with a political video after a year of waiting. Not everyone likes politics.
  2. It takes a lot to generate an actual revolt. American society is advanced enough that most people don't want to revolt. Although we literally had a mini revolt by those MAGA. They have brainwashed themselves with right-wing media.
  3. Rogan is not that immature. He's got some fairly mature views. He just has some remnnants of those MMA, commedian sub-cultures. He has surrounded himself with some immature and foolish friends. And his whole show is not meant to be serious. It's an immature style of show for casual immature listeners. So you can't expect it to be intellectually rigorous. That's just not Rogan's game.
  4. 1) When the plebs are exploited badly enough, they can revolt. Which is why the job of the elites is to exploit plebs but just shy of infuriating them. 2) Nearly all those revolutions follow with a conservative backlash and in any case elites regain power, but in a slightly different form. All the power-hungry revolutionaries themselves become the new vampiric elites.
  5. Roll up a tiny piece of parchment or wax paper. The roll should be very small, like 1 inch long.
  6. Actualized product account login is now working. You should be able to log in and access your purchases, course, booklist.
  7. Trump is demagogue -- that is a power hungry elitist who dupes the least intelligent plebs into thinking he will help them. Because there is an asymmetry between left and right. Being right-wing requires zero intelligence or education. Being left-wing requires intellectual and moral work. Most plebs lean conservative because they are not thinking, they are conforming to their culture. The powerful are like vampires who feed off the uneducated plebs. Of course eventually the plebs get fed up with it, but it's hard for them to change anything because they have no power. Nothing new here. This is human civilization in a nutshell.
  8. Fundamentally, power is an elitist thing, it is not for the plebs. You have to be power hungry to get power, and most normies are not power hungry. Power is hierarchical. It's difficult to flatten it.
  9. Then you will be pleased. I have a section with AI insights.
  10. New video dropping soon.
  11. I'm not just gonna shut down the site without telling you. Don't worry, if you lose me you will read about in the news: "Cult Leader Eaten Alive By Crocodiles On Vacation In Florida"
  12. That's just a quirk of this forum software. It can be finnicky to remember your login cookie.
  13. There wasn't really a good place for me to make the announcement. The blog and my email server were also all down.
  14. Site downtime has little to do with actual server hardward malfunction. It's usually settings issues, connections issues, DDOS attacks, or the server just needing a reboot. Database corruption is actually our most common source of downtime, and Azure or Amazon is not gonna fix that for you.
  15. It's not just about the virtual machine, you need people who know how to install and manage a full LAMP stack, and are available 24/7 to help with technical problems. I rented a new dedicated server in a good data center with good tech support. We will migrate to it soon.
  16. Azure and AWS do not provide fully managed solutions. You need a technical team to make proper use of such services.
  17. Because the forum data was not migrated properly, so about a years worth of data was missing. But we fixed that.
  18. The hosting company that was originally managing my server got bought out by another company, and then that other company decided to change my server to something else and broke the site when they were migrating between servers. They did this migration without telling me. It took me a week just to find out from them that they did this sneaky migration. Migrating servers is a big deal because unless all the settings are transferred then the site will break in many ways which are difficult to track down. It took me a week of going back and forth with them to figure out that this happened and how to fix it. It's never a good sign when your hosting company gets bought out by a bigger one. Usually the quality of service drops. But also migrating to a new company is also a huge pain in the ass and leads to its own downtime. I really didn't like that my old hosting company got bought out, but I was hoping it would work out. Well, it turned into this disaster. Unfortunately it's not uncommon for hosting companies to get bought out by bigger ones, who then provide worse service to maximize their profits. Whenever I select hosting companies I try to go with ones who are not too large and greedy because those kind of companies end up cutting corners or jacking up prices.
  19. The product logins are still broken right now for everyone. We're working to fix it. We will be migrating to a better provider.
  20. Porn isn't the problem, it's attention-whoring Instagram models luring in simps by jiggling their ass. You don't have to search for it to get flooded with that kind of content and it's bad for both young men and women. Porn is better for you than these attention-whoring IG models. Porn serves a necessary function. These models are just wasting your time and distracting you from working on your day. I wish IG had a setting to turn off all female models and celebrities. That is the trashiest of content. That would improve IG by 50% at least.
  21. Geography is to nations what genetics is to living organisms. It's more reductionistic to blame underdevelopment on a single religion.
  22. Once again, the point has never been that vaccines don't or can't have side-effects, the point was that it's still safer than dealing with Covid. People keep refusing to grok this.
  23. The right wing is getting more unhinged, not moving left.