Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I never listen with headphones. My phone is easy to hear on loudspeaker. Get a quality phone with good speaker. And get Bluetooth for your car.
  2. @Butters Nice!
  3. It's not like blacks or women were doing well economically back then either. Yes, wealth inequality is a big problem today. However the overall GDP of everyone rose. Certain items like houses and college and healthcare have inflated a lot.
  4. Paypal lets you pay via credit card. I'm unsure what the limits are. Some countries may not be supported. There are also online services like Privacy.com which let you create virtual credit cards which you can then use to make purchases. Paypal should accecpt virtual credit cards. But again, they restrict some countries.
  5. I have 200GBs of audiobooks on my phone.
  6. I will consider that.
  7. We'll be dead before America becomes totally stage Green. Culture wars of course.
  8. It would take a major catasrophe or black swan event to start a revolt in America. Americans are too comfortable otherwise.
  9. Statistically what he said is true. But it is irrelevant in the context of revolt.
  10. My communication has been lacking. The outage caught me by surprise. I've never had an outage that long so I didn't even think about the need for a backup communication method. I will think about how to improve communication. Maybe I can use my Twitter/X account more.
  11. There is some truth in that, but also, during that time black people were mistreated and women couldn't have credit cards.
  12. I have not studied it, so no comment.
  13. There are many evil people in the world. That doesn't mean you should join them.
  14. US polarization has nothing to do with a secret Russian KGB plot. This is where Rogan goes wrong with his stupid conspiracy theories. America is simply evolving into Stage Green and many of the older genration don't like nor understand Green and want to retreat into Orange or even Blue. University campuses have always been the leading edge of cultural evolution. Because younger generations have more open minds. You don't need a sinister KGB plot to explain this. Too much hanging out with Eddie Bravo.
  15. How To Find Hot AI Girlfriend
  16. I def have some good politics videos planned, but gotta please the base with some fundamentals first.
  17. Congrats!
  18. I didn't like it mostly because I am just not suited to being an employee. I am too ambitious and creative to work on someone else's project. So I quit to become my own boss. I would never work on a game to which I didn't own full IP rights. I am very particular in this regard so don't let this discourage you.