Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Ask that to yourself.
  2. @r0ckyreed Are you sure you're logged in? Doesn't sound right. I have never run into any limits on paid.
  3. Israeli stats have historically lined with the Palestinian stats. I cannot personally verify it, but that's what I have heard from reporters.
  4. I've never seen any message limits for the paid version. How long are your messages and how many?
  5. Yes, that's the goal. Thanks.
  6. Yeah, well, a crocodile does not care what you want. In the same way that you do not care what an ant wants when you step on it. You can't be fine with everything being how it is because your ass is on the line.
  7. Free speech is also a broader principle. If you want to cancel or shut down perspectives just because you disagree with them, that's going to become a problem for you. Hasan is not violating YT guidelines.
  8. Life is a harsh thing. You guys are getting too spoiled and comfortable. Most people and creatures in the world are barely surviving. Go look at the people in Gaza right now. What's off is that you're out of touch.
  9. I am pretty happy that I cannot get addicted to caffeine.
  10. Hold this lens lightly. There is much more to life than traps.
  11. It can be if you bullshit yourself with fantasies.
  12. Of course
  13. Your psychedelics could also be laced with rat poison. In the end, you're taking a gamble. But I have not seen a single report of psychedelics laced with fentanyl. It just doesn't make much sense. Psychedelic users and coke/heroine/meth/crack users tend to be very different crowds. There is little sense in cutting a psychedelic with fentanyl. If you are paranoid about it, use drug test kits. But mostly this issue is easily avoided by knowing the reputation of your supplier. Don't buy from sketchy places with no reviews.
  14. Tough. There is no such algorithm. Again, you want to put reality into a box in order to put your mind at ease. But life requires constant vigilence or a crocodile will eat you. There is no certainty that a crocodile won't bite you. Stop trying to live by algorithm and embrace the chaos.
  15. I think it's a genetic thing. There are genes for the metabolism of caffeine so you cannot assume everyone metabolizes it the same way.
  16. If you want to talk about foreign lobbying, no one is more guilty of that than the Israel lobby. Yes, lobbying is one of America's biggest problems. It corrupts everything.
  17. Hasan is a good example of what happens if you get radicalized by the left. That's certainly a trap. But at the same time, honor free speech and don't try to shut sich people down. They have the right to their perspective.
  18. I say, Sadhguru should release his porn collection!
  19. Post your best examples of traps in nature and the animal world. I will then select some of the best ones to share on the blog.
  20. Sure, but that's not what is driving college kids being Green and pissing off Rogan.