Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I am being more ruthless with myself in trimming the fat, the fluff, and the grandstanding.
  2. That's the problem with all of JP's points. They are so biased and one-sided. Imagine if I made a video exclusively listing all the evils of modernism and premodernism.
  3. Dating vs relationship are different skillsets which both need dedicated practice and experience. Each can grow you in different ways. With a relationship it's easy to fall into a rut and just wallow in comfort and not grow. Dating forces you to stay sharp.
  4. @Thought Art These early PMs were strange blokes with radical views and lifestyles. But it's not like pedophiles don't exist in the pre-modern churches. This is why I stress insight and Pure Philosophy, free from human figures and even free of historical schools of thought. What matters is the validity of the insight.
  5. Doesn't seem out of character for Foucault
  6. I agree. Should have pulled funding long ago.
  7. @Nemra You ungrateful peasant!
  8. Quite detailed. But nowhere near a word for word script. I like to have room to riff. Riffing is way more fun but at the cost of rambling, repititon, and bad ideas.
  9. Certainly. They could also downvote or block negative stories.
  10. In JP's mind, post-modernists must be losers and degenerates.
  11. At this point I would gladly just settle for a politician who got an A in highschool history class and can point out Afghanistan on a map.
  12. From what I understand IDF will shoot any male within certain zones. Of course they abuse that.
  13. I mean how Russia and IDF behave in the shadows.
  14. Of course that happens. But you'd need to see the full context of that before judging it. That Gazan child could have been living next to a combatant with a rocket launcher.
  15. @UpperMaster I am not promising a full cure. It only works for some people and don't expect full remission, it's partial improvement.
  16. They can become a different person just because they are in a different mood. It's not even about you. Although if you put her in a bad mood, God help you.
  17. He's more of a Dogecoin president. Bitcoin has integrity.
  18. Israel has a huge propaganda budget. I bet they have bot farms to shape social media opinions.
  19. I spent something like 30 hours making the outline for the PM video, just to have the structure of the points in the right linear order. You would never be able to make a video like mine just off the top of your head. Your mind would skip too many points. If you don't take the time to organize your ideas they will come out in a jumbled hairy mess. If you have a solid outline, speaking is easy. Making the outline is the hardest part.
  20. The only way is to just be more conscious and more intelligent. And you have to own your own sovereignty of mind. If you can't stop doubting yourself then you will never reach God, because God is beyond self-doubt. You have to ultimately recongize doubt as itself a self-deception.
  21. I will post 2 tinnitus cures soon.
  22. Most people who are in relationships are dysfunctional, so obviously you don't need to be any which way to be in a relationship. You can be in a relationship as a serial killer. But if you want to maximzie the chance of your relationship going well, then you should work on yourself. Girls are not attracted to you for your self-improvement work. Don't make this naive mistake. They don't give a damn how developed you are or if you are a serial killer. All they care about is how you make her feel in the moment.
  23. It's hard to compare Russia and Israel without direct experience of their operations. Reading news reports is just too far removed, leaving lots of speculation. I imagine that things are much uglier than we know, see, or hear.
  24. Yeah, I was gonna post about this on my blog. It's so cringe. An atom bomb of cringe.
  25. Awesome!