Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Yes, I recently realized this myself. Most people simply aren't interested in metaphysical or philosophical questions, but they apply intelligence in other domains like business.
  2. It's a real mindfuck when you realize that if the police actually stopped all the crime they'd be out of a job, so crime can never actually end. Same for war.
  3. Yes, the woo is sickening. Focus on doing the contemplative work rather than parroting woo. Generating your own insight is not woo.
  4. But this is a biased analogy. If you want to make that analogy then you should give that magic device to the most rabid stage Blue Israeli politicians. That is the analog of Hamas. Don't compare Hamas to the entire citizenry of Israel. The reality is that Israeli politicans with power and their milutary and intelligence service are all interested in doing an ethnic cleansing campaign. And that is what they are doing. They are not interested in blanket-killing all the Palestinian civilians and children, but they are very interested in making Gaza unlivable and taking more land. The Israeli position is much more nuanced than just a simple dumb genocide. The Israelis have a crafty, devilish scheme to always keep the Palestinians dominated. THAT is the issue, not that they will exterminate all of them like Hitler did to the Jews. The Israeli government is not Hitler, but they are still doing a sneaky form of ethnic cleansing. This scheme inevitably spawns terrorist backlash. That is the real issue. There is a total failure to take responsiblity for the monster that Israel has created. Yes, the monster bit you, but you created it, and you insist to keep creating it. So expect more bites.
  5. Hasan believes his own leftist ideology. He does not see the limitations of his own perspective and he has turned it into a career. This problem exists across of YT and media at large. So I don't see why Hasan should singled out. This isn't a grifting problem, this is a developmental and epistemic problem. These people are not mature enough to understand what they are doing. But if you start banning people for being immature you will have to ban 90% of the internet.
  6. Not that I know of. In the end, testing is not a very intelligent tool. So why would you apply it to intelligence?
  7. IQ is a poor measurent of intelligence. Intelligence has to be redefined so that it's also connected to level of consciousness and level of development. And even moral development should be a factor. Boiling intelligence down to one's ability to do complex physics calcuations is, ironically, not very intelligent.
  8. The way I find good hosting companies is by searching the WebHostingTalk forum. They have good companies there, lots of user reviews, and good discount deals. That is the place to go. I would avoid the largest, most-branded companies. You want mid-tier companies who have good infrastruction but aren't corporate gaints.
  9. I have never said that. I have made many posts on my blog saying the opposite. I have shared CPI data with you guys.
  10. @Ramanujan Passion works everywhere, but you have to work seriously on your passion, developing the skills and creating great stuff. Passion is not a theoretical thing. You have to use it deliver serious results. How many games have you created in 10 years?
  11. All I'm saying is that life has crocodiles in it. This shouldn't be controversial.
  12. I can't reveal that.
  13. Most game dev work these days can be done remotely. Everyone who works for me works remotely. And their education is irrelevent. I hire people based off their portfolio of work. I don't even know the education of my current lead programmer, because it just doesn't matter as long has he does decent work at a decent price. @Ramanujan If you want to get into game dev, you gotta hit it hard, take serious action on building your skills and portfolio of work. That's basically it. The only question is will you actually do it?
  14. I know for a fact this isn't true. I work in game dev right now. I have worked remotely with a guy from India. I never even asked for his level of education. The only thing that matters in game dev is your skills. If you have good skills and you have a portfolio of work, people will hire you. You can learn game dev skills online through courses and being self-taught. You don't have to go to school for that. But it does take time to develop this skills. You age isn't a problem either. But you do have to take a lot of action to build those skills and portfolio.
  15. Our situation has become so polarized now that you're not going to have a politician who rallies everyone together.
  16. Alien Communism confirmed! But seriously, great list.
  17. Yes
  18. What skills have you been developing? What stuff have you tried? It does not take 10 years to start seeing success. So it sounds like you're not taking much action.
  19. That was through sexual hyposis. But text is easy if she plays with herself. That's a deep topic. It would require a whole course. And it's kind of an awkward thing to teach in my position. Although it would blow people's minds. Maybe like a 7.5
  20. If there are no uninvolved civilians in Gaza then there are no uninvolved civilians in the Israeli occupation, and so Oct 7 was not the death of civilians but combatants. Two can play that game.
  21. It's a pipe dream. Like when leftists whine about how Cheney and Bush should be tried for warcrimes.
  22. Others too
  23. Yup. The best sex happens in the mind. The key to great sex is to take it from a mechanical process into an imaginary, fantasy process with your partner.
  24. @Forestluv 5-MeOs have no tolerance.