Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Because it's the closest way of looking directly at yourself. Unless maybe you got huge tits.
  2. Fine. So is racism, genocide, factory farming, and animal abuse.
  3. @Danioover9000 It would be wise of you to deeply contemplate What is art? from scratch. As of now, you don't have a good understanding of it. Chimpanzees are NOT doing art, regardless of how they are trained to hold a brush.
  4. @Davino Rather than focusing on the negative inner stuff, you should just develop a positive vision of what you want to create, like some project, and then get to work on it without thinking about your emotions or limitations. Focus on visualizing the positive vision. If your vision is large then you will naturally be forced to undergo many challenges to actualize it, and as long as you don't quit, this process will make you stronger and wiser. Dwelling on your inner emotional state is a trap. Just get to work creating beauitful things regardless of whatever bullshit your mind comes up with every morning.
  5. No. I was trying to point out a limited way of seeing the world which leads to crusading. The mind has to function a certain way for crusading to occur. This way of the mind then becomes an obstacle to deeper understanding and acceptance of reality. There is a difference between recognizing injustice and corruption vs going on a moral crusade.
  6. Contemplate where is the morality in a crocodile snatching a dog?
  7. I was speaking to the militant, moralizing, crusading sort of vegans. If you are just a quiet vegan then there is no issue. The crusading/moralizing bit is the trap.
  8. We will not transcend Orange in our lifetimes.
  9. You have to expose yourself to challenging life experiences. Not just sitting on your couch. Undertake challenging projects like starting a business. This will force you to toughen up.
  10. They are not lying, they just don't think about the nature of reality.
  11. This is a big mental trap you've put yourself in. Philosophically it is garbage. You are using this "philosophy" to bypass actually engaging with life and doing challenging but rewarding things, like dating or starting a business. You need to admit to yourself that this philosophy is trash and adopt a new philosophy of passionate engagement with life.
  12. Don't do more. Just take a few months break.
  13. It's like looking at God thru different lenses. There is no right or wrong lens. It's not about trust, it's about contemplating the nature of consciousness and experiencing how the mind works.
  14. 1) Because the people who classify these things are just being mechanical about it. 2) It also depends on your genetics. For some people weed is a psychedelic and for others it is not. 3) What I don't endorse about weed is the stoner sub-culture and the chronic use of weed. There is no problem with using weed occassionally for a trip. But that's not what these stoners do.
  15. Except there is a key difference. I know that morality is an invention, but vegans do not. They operate from an objective, normative ethics, regardless of what they might say.
  16. The key thing they seem to be missing is the realization that morality is a human construct. That doesn't mean moral issues shouldn't be considered, but the foundation must be to see that morality is an invention, and moralizing to others is a kind of trap. And then, just at the level of PR and optics, being militant about veganism just turns people off and has a counter-productive effect. Since most people are eating as part of a deep culture which cannot be changed overnight. People need to undergo years of moral development first, and most people are barely surviving.
  17. They don't obscure anything, but you can get tricked by them in the sense that if a certain facet or truth is revealed, you can take that to mean something it may not mean, or you can narrow your understanding of consciousness to that one facet. Psychedelics reveal many hidden facets of consciousness, but there's no telling which ones you might get fixated on. If you only use a few different psychedelics then that's like looking at consciousness through one lens, so that can become limiting. But if you don't do psychedelics, you're also looking at consciousness through a single lens. So it's not like you can avoid this problem. The traps related to using psychedelics to make sense of reality will mostly be in how you interpret or make sense of the experiences and what you tell yourself about them. So you have to be careful about your interpretations and also about spinning spiritual fantasies in your mind. During and after a psychedelic experience your mind will be tempted to spin up some fantasies about it. Maybe now you tell yourself that God is one your side, looking out for you, or that you have some special powers which you don't really have. Etc. You have to be careful not to add a bunch of human stuff on top of your raw experiences. You have to be epistemically careful with psychedelics as you must be without psychedelics. The passion that psychedelics bring can make you forget about epistemic rigor, but it's as important as ever. Just because you had an experience of God does not mean you understand the full picture. Almost certainly you don't.
  18. You could replace heroin with meth, makes no difference to the higher point.
  19. That is because it's too much consciousness for a human rodent to handle.
  20. It just depends on how you are using them and what you can handle.
  21. He's an egomaniac and he uses scientiology for slave labor. They serve the function of blowing smoke up his ass, stroking his ego, and being his personal servants.
  22. You can just discuss books without mentioning the book list.
  23. It's a cult of bat-shit people. You are supporting their criminal enterprise. And if you keep doing that I hope they hurt you, to teach you a lesson.