Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Of course if you go to bed at 6am that will screw up your whole sleep schedule. That's not "sensitive", that's just how sleep cycles work.
  2. @Water by the River Later, alligator.
  3. Yes, of course, however Love is such a radical thing that it becomes the opposite of coventional morality. Because you have to love all the "evil" stuff, like a crocodile eating your children. Religion has tried to teach love, but it always devolves into judgment, shaming, hatred, demonizing, moralizing, normativity, and closedmindness. Because a finite mind is constitutionally incapable of serious Love. And thus conventional morality is born. The problem with telling people that "morality is being loving" is that they will say, "Yes! And that's why we should torture pedophiles, because we love our children. And we should bomb Gaza because we love the Jews. And we should assassinate Putin because he is the next Hitler. And we should steal the next election because we love America. And we should turn America into a Christian theocracy because Christ is love. And if you oppose us, we will destroy you, because you stand against love." That is the morality crocodile.
  4. But that's exactly what leftists suck at. So I won't be holding my breath.
  5. You cannot escape thinking no matter how much you meditate. And by default your thinking will become filled with fantasies and self-deceptions, such as the fantasy that all you need to do to be intelligent is stop thinking. But this isn't really the case because it grossly reduces and oversimplifies life. You cannot survive without thinking. So the strategy of not thinking is actually unintelligent. The proper thing is to learn to think in very careful ways.
  6. You know you can do that with a YT prime subscription. It's worth it. I listen to most videos without watching the screen and it saves me a lot of hassle. YT is actually a better "podcast" app than Spotify.
  7. Be careful not to smear all Incels as violent people. Most of them are not. This is like saying mentally ill people are violent, when few are.
  8. This kind of analysis is not going to work. Psychedelics affect people too differently to draw such simplistic "scientific" and rational conclusions.
  9. To be honest, GI docs can be aweful and worse than useless.
  10. @Scholar If you insist on defining morality as merely preferences then you will come up with wierd conclusions. According to your absurd logic a crocodile is moral or immoral because it prefers flesh over pineapples. See what trouble you got yourself into?
  11. Sounds like crocodiles are living in your head rent free.
  12. Sit down and examine what morality is. Think it through. It's something the mind spins up. You had no morality as a child. You had to invent it.
  13. Eagle is a high attainment. Perhaps you're more like a winged rat
  14. You flirt. Flirting is being playful, humorous, and cheeky. Communicate to her like you are interested in her, but in a challenging way. As in, Hey, I'm interested in you, but also not too interested. Be playful with her. Don't try to have serious talk. "Hey, I like your shirt, but I think it would look even better on me "
  15. False. This is just another trap. You cannot reduce Consciousness to anything, not nothingness, not essence.
  16. Probably. I haven't tested it so rigorously. Test it yourself.
  17. Even if that is allowed, the answers will still not be as intelligent. But if you gotta google what Spiral Dynamics is and how communism works, then that's a serious lack. Part of AI's genius is that it instantly understands all the nuanced and obscure terms and concepts I throw at it.
  18. Yes, and I even suggested one such test. My NYC street test. I dare you to find a single human on the internet who can produce as intelligent a policial conversation as I had and posted with Claude. Run the test.
  19. My definition accounts for that. If you don't have the power to reduce the suffering your selfishness causes others then it's a moot point. And anyway, my defintion is not normative. It says nothing about blame or that you have to act in any way. You could just be an asshole if you want. But if you want to be considered "moral", then take whatever measures are reasonable to reduce the suffering you cause others.
  20. All of morality boils down to reducing the harm your selfishness causes to others. And its entirely subjective how far you wish to take that. Everyone will draw that line in a different place, which is why the moral debates are endless.