Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. Just sounds like you need a higher dose than most people. Tolerance to psychedelics varies wildly. A full 5-MeO trip will knock your socks off. But what it will take for you to hit that point is unclear. 5-MeO may simply not be well suited to your unique genetics and metabolism. But your doses were not particularly high so we just don't know.
  2. They are insightful and potent, but you have to work them like a mule. Do not expect a bunch of theory.
  3. I am starting to regret my words. Trump is more unhinged than ever and he has better odds of winning now. Trump's 1st term might have given us a false sense of complacency, since term 2 will be much worse in ways we can't yet imagine.
  4. @Hardkill If Trump wins reelection he will stuff the court with right-wing lunatics for the next 40 years and there will be no progressive legistation chances at all. All of it will be blocked and undone by the court. You guys don't fully appreciate how bad it will be.
  5. @OmniNaut You have a good eye for devilry. It takes a devil to know a devil
  6. @Lyubov If you resist being evil, you are unwhole. The spiritual human notion of wholeness isn't real wholeness, it's a narrow human construct. Anyways, I should stop here because this is too advanced for such casual dropping. You guys are not serious about understanding such things.
  7. @Lyubov What's false is your unwillingness to imagine a broader situation. Suit yourself.
  8. Both and more.
  9. No! I am telling you to imagine a demonic mind which is not lacking anything. It just enjoys seeing others suffer. It isn't lying or dysfunctional. It just enjoys making people suffer like you enjoy ice cream. You are not opening your mind enough. Imagine that you are unwhole BECAUSE you haven't tortured anyone yet. And you will only become whole once you do.
  10. Even if a leftist happens to win a General Election by some miracle, they won't accomplish much since they will be cockblocked by the House, Senate, Supreme Court, and the deep state -- all of which are Orange and Blue.
  11. Actually, your position is the woo-woo one. My position is stark and clinical. You claim that there is some magical force in the universe which prevents demonic minds, and I am telling you no. A demon doesn't have to believe anything to rape you, just like a crocodile doesn't have to believe anything to eat you. You are looking at this whole thing from too human a POV. Minds do not have to operate by human rules and norms. I am trying to get your mind to be more flexible. Otherwise you will get stuck in narrow human norms. You should expand your mind to think like a demon.
  12. No. But it really depends on how mature you are. Risk increases if you are alone and you get a bad trip.
  13. To rouse you out of your slumber.
  14. As a matter of fact it can. Imagine a truly sinister demonic consciousness whose whole purpose for existence is to rape and torture people. Consciousness is flexible enough to create such a creature. Whether it exists on Earth is irrelevant. And in fact such twisted minds have existed on Earth. They are just rare.
  15. As I said above, you can frame anyone's actions as coming from lack. So this is not a strong point. Do you love self-actualization? Then you are coming from a sense of lack. See how that works?
  16. There are what we could call stages of moral development which addresses what you are saying. A vegan is at a higher level of moral development than a rapist. But then there are even higher levels which I am trying to guide you towards.
  17. I never said it was a bad thing. But moralizing to others becomes a trap. When you reify your judgments and moral outrage that becomes an existential-level mistake which limits the development of your mind.
  18. Partying till 6am? That's gonna screw you up. And yes, it will get worse as you age.
  19. Nope. You could rape just for the joy of it. And furthermore, you could frame any value as coming from lack. Why do value love? Because you lack it. This is not a quality analysis.
  20. Of course you can be a vegan for non-moral reasons.
  21. I don't quite get the point. Just do whatever you want. You will anyways despite all your moralizing.
  22. There is no cure for lack of ambition. Some people, in fact most people, simply have very low ambition. Ambition is a personality trait. But also, if you feel your life lacks meaning, that means you aren't really satisfied with your life as you claim. Deep down you know there's more to be had but you haven't yet come up with a vision of what that would look like. Besides ambition what's needs is imagination. To imagine a really new and exciting future for yourself.
  23. Consciousness is way more flexible than that. Your values could be almost anything. Rape could be your top value.