Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. A real world fight is very different from MMA. I saw a serious fight break out in the casino lobby. One of the guys grabbed a chair and was swinging it to kill the other guy, and the friends of both sides were there both fighting and trying to stop the fight. It was total chaos. It took like 15 security guards to break it up. In a real world fight you would never want to fight with bare fists, you would want to grab the nearest blunt object. Imagine UFC with chairs and beer bottles.
  2. This is human logic. Human projection. It is moot for crocodiles and potentially many other kinds of minds. A demon does not need to follow humanoid psychology.
  3. I speak of it from the perspective of imagining what it would like to have the consciousness of a demon. Analogous to you imagining the conscious experience or mind of a tiger. Really imagine what is would be like if you were a tiger in the forest stalking a deer. And then imagine the same thing but now you are a demon stalking a human.
  4. 1) That was a general statement. It could have exceptions for some people. 2) Kriya yoga is different. I think it is more potent and accumulates better over months, so you can do 1-2hrs per day and it builds up. Meditation does not build up so well. For meditation to build up requires like several days of nonstop practice. Again, these things will vary if you are spiritually gifted.
  5. I know all that. I suggest it isn't strictly necessary. I could use your logic to say that in order to release some pent up spiritual energy I need to kick a baby in the head. And you would say to me: That isn't strictly necessary. And you'd be right.
  6. It was a kind of coping mechanism for the magnitude of my realization.
  7. Human society requires us to make sacrifices for the comfort of others. The cost of us having nice things is that you can't just shit wherever you feel like.
  8. @Applegarden8 If you want to become a yogi you better do yoga. Otherwise wtf are you doing? Being a yogi is not about growing a long beard and reading Hindu books in a cave. It's about the discipline of yogic practice. As long as you do that discipline you can live by whatever style.
  9. This is a personal issue with your bowels. A normal person should not be bleeding from plugging even 50mg. Consider adjusting your diet. And don't plug too often. If you do it every day then it will cause burning and pain.
  10. I did scream when I first realized Infinity, but it wasn't loud enough to startle neighbors. And I have never felt a need to scream since.
  11. Exactly. Consider just trying mentally letting go of your need to scream. Screaming is not like shit inside your ass. It doesn't need to come out. Or, if you feel so compelled to scream, do a camping trip in the middle of nowhere and scream it all out of your system until you burn through that particular karma. Then your trips should become quiet.
  12. As high a dose as you can safely handle is valuable. But there's no way to know for sure what that dose is, so err on the side of caution. You can always do a higher dose later. But you cannot undo an over-dose. It's like you're fishing with dynamite, and you never quite know how close you can throw the dynamite next to your boat before it will injure you.
  13. Imagine a demon who doesn't suffer simply because a demon's mind works in a totally different, non-human way. Consider, what if in the future humans genetically engineer a baby who experiences pleasure instead of suffering when hurting others? Like the inverse of empathy. Even if demons suffered, what does it matter? Most humans suffer. So what? That does not stop humans from doing their thing. You can call a demon dysfunctional like you might call a crocodile immoral for eating your child, but the crocodile just don't give a fuck what you call it and the crocodile feels no remorse, guilt, or suffering from its actions. Crocodiles keep crocodiling.
  14. You either got delicious balls or your partner is a demon.
  15. I still don't think it will be that bad, but it really depends on the adults in the room.
  16. Doing a massive dose just because someone is in the room with you is not gonna save you or remove the danger. You should not be doing massive doses at all since it can be physically dangerous.
  17. @shree And what if the urge arises to jump out the window? How do you hold it in?
  18. Do Kriya yoga every day and you can call yourself a yogi.
  19. Whether you give a fuck or not has no bearing on whether you are conscious of God.
  20. It's not a practical ask. Just keep your mouth shut. Regardless, you cannot approach psychedelics with total cart blanch, being totally free of any self-control. That is a recipe for killing yourself. You MUST maintain self-control while you trip, no matter how deep the trip. Drop this idea that the only proper way to trip is to let yourself become a wild lunatic. Teach yourself healthy restraint.
  21. Martin has a very specfic, narrow process for using psychedelics which aligns with his personal style and personality type. 5-MeO need not be done in that fashion AT ALL. It's as if someone told you that rice should be eaten in a white bowl with soy sauce, and that is the only proper way to eat rice.
  22. This is your 3rd thread on this quote. Yes, we see it. Yes, Bruno was Woke. And they killed him.
  23. Just sounds like you need a higher dose than most people. Tolerance to psychedelics varies wildly. A full 5-MeO trip will knock your socks off. But what it will take for you to hit that point is unclear. 5-MeO may simply not be well suited to your unique genetics and metabolism. But your doses were not particularly high so we just don't know.
  24. They are insightful and potent, but you have to work them like a mule. Do not expect a bunch of theory.