Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. You just know some MAGA is gonna stick his dick in that thing. Hyper-reality, indeed.
  2. @Davino It's clear you're doing some serious contemplating. Very good. Don't worry, I will still cover many practical mundane topics like success and relationships and such. I will cover any topic that is useful and worthwhile to talk about relative to personal dev and sense-making.
  3. Wokeness does go too far sometimes. Legal battles for misgendering are silly.
  4. Yes. That's one of the limits of PM. But also, you should question SD and ultimately see how it is a construct and how it limits your mind. SD can be taken from grand narrative to micro-narrative, one of many.
  5. Lies and BS. No way Repubs legalize it. I don't have a prob with Lex's character.
  6. Because that's the most intelligent way for it to be. When you realize consciousness literally has no limits, then you realize you can have infinite intelligent design for free. And when you have it for free, why would you settle for anything less?
  7. @Past-Philosopher-562 Dude, you gotta do what is right for you, not what I am doing with my channel in general. Think independently. Pick and choose videos from my work which apply to your situation, values, and goals.
  8. It is not clear to me what you are asking. Using SD and 9 Stages model you should know where you are and what the next stage is for you. This then gives you a good idea of what to work towards and which traps to avoid.
  9. Politicians should be horses, pulling us into the future!
  10. I am being more ruthless with myself in trimming the fat, the fluff, and the grandstanding.
  11. That's the problem with all of JP's points. They are so biased and one-sided. Imagine if I made a video exclusively listing all the evils of modernism and premodernism.
  12. Dating vs relationship are different skillsets which both need dedicated practice and experience. Each can grow you in different ways. With a relationship it's easy to fall into a rut and just wallow in comfort and not grow. Dating forces you to stay sharp.
  13. @Thought Art These early PMs were strange blokes with radical views and lifestyles. But it's not like pedophiles don't exist in the pre-modern churches. This is why I stress insight and Pure Philosophy, free from human figures and even free of historical schools of thought. What matters is the validity of the insight.
  14. Doesn't seem out of character for Foucault
  15. I agree. Should have pulled funding long ago.
  16. @Nemra You ungrateful peasant!
  17. Quite detailed. But nowhere near a word for word script. I like to have room to riff. Riffing is way more fun but at the cost of rambling, repititon, and bad ideas.
  18. Certainly. They could also downvote or block negative stories.
  19. In JP's mind, post-modernists must be losers and degenerates.
  20. At this point I would gladly just settle for a politician who got an A in highschool history class and can point out Afghanistan on a map.
  21. From what I understand IDF will shoot any male within certain zones. Of course they abuse that.
  22. I mean how Russia and IDF behave in the shadows.
  23. Of course that happens. But you'd need to see the full context of that before judging it. That Gazan child could have been living next to a combatant with a rocket launcher.