Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. I don't consider Bibi Red. I consider him squarely Orange/Blue. Red is Hamas.
  2. This is a fantasy sort of scenario. Doesn't really happen. The core fantasy behind all these fighters is that these fighter skills will somehow be necessary in the real world. They won't. This is just an excuse to play macho and justify your training. Realistically your kids will get shot in school by some nutcase with a gun while you are at home watching YT. And that's about it. All your training will be useless and is done to feed your own insecure ego. Alpha bro fantasy sports.
  3. The people in power are too selfish to care about the freedoms of others. What they care about is power and money. "Freedom" is really a code word for "power and money for me and my friends". This is then wrapped in a patriotic or even religous veneer, so it doesn't look like pure self-serving greed, as that would look too crass.
  4. @bambi That video is quite old and my understanding of things has significantly evolved since then. I apologize for making it seem that way. Dissolving ego is good, but there is much more to consciousness than that.
  5. Plenty of mindless New Age zombies were kissing Osho's ass while he was alive. If he was so against worship he could have put an end to all of it. Instead he got off on it.
  6. From what I can see the CIA and DOD created a US/Irsael/Saudi axis against Iran and the rest of the Middle East. And now they play out that chess game. They are too invested in it to change. A similar situation stands with NATO/Ukriane vs Russia. And all the public talk and policy is just posturing and PR to quell the plebs.
  7. The commom value is rampant capitalism. Palestinians too poor to join the country club, they are the servants cleaning the toilets.
  8. All good stuff, but consider not doing psychedelics for a year so you can build up your momentum on manual work. Psychedelics are great for insight, but they cripple your manual momentum. And manual momentum is where the material results are. You need to build up a sizable foundation for your life through sheer manual work, because psychedelics cannot do that work for you.
  9. Frankly, the way all these fights break out is when two fat egos clash and neither one wants to step away. The best way to win a fight is to just not bring your ego into a situation so no fight materializes. When it comes to fighting, ego is the biggest trap.
  10. It is not permanent.
  11. Those were shameless Republicans from what I saw. Birds of a feather flock together. But yeah, the US foreign policy deep state is real. It does its thing regardless of which party or Pres happens to be in power. There is extremely deep group-think when it comes to US intelligence and military stuff. There is no changing their minds.
  12. Stab him in the balls it is.
  13. @What Am I That's not merely a matter of discomfort. You could seriously injure your brain if you keep doing that. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. A good solution is to change to a different chemical which doesn't cause you such obvious pain. Ketamine is not a very pure or healthy chemical to begin with.
  14. Certainly explore it, but beware the trap of regarding all your fears as illusory. Some of your fears are keeping you alive and healthy.
  15. The most effective martial art is to kick a guy in the balls.
  16. By popular demand, my new course will include 5hrs of screaming like a maniac. Saves me from actually developing intelligent content.
  17. Of course you can do it. But it is not wise to judge the necessity of a thing by its popularity.
  18. Doesn't surprise me. It's more of a systemic issue.
  19. Yes, but humans don't really get that and can't really live it.
  20. Good for you. You have some integrity.
  21. At this point it certainly won't change Hamas behavior, however, it will create a pathway to a peace settlement longer term. There is a larger issue at stake here than simply getting Hamas to stop attacking. You have to pacify the Palestinian people and give them a pathway to peace and prosperity. The way to deal with Hamas is simply by erecting better defenses. Which you'll have to do anyway from all the bombing.
  22. I am well aware of Martin's philosophy. I think it's a bit reckless and unnecessary, but ultimately it's a matter of style. I literally don't remember a single hug, but I had a pretty good childhood for sure. Do what you gotta do.
  23. Interesting. Didn't know anyone still cared about him. He was pretty remarkable as a human.
  24. Be careful with this freedom value. It's easy to turn freedom into a fantasy. Real freedom is different from what humans usually call freedom.