Leo Gura

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Everything posted by Leo Gura

  1. But @Razard86's defintion is pretty close to mine.
  2. It's just impossible to say. It can't be done like that. Society has to negotiate all those rules through an infinitely messy quasi-democratic corrupt process. That's basically what the last 5000 years of civilization have been. But my defintion can be applied at the local level by each actor if they desire. And it will have to be applied incrementally, bit by bit, not as any kind of leap to perfection. And everyone will have their own ideas of where they want to draw lines for themselves, based on their capacities, life situation, and level of development. Very importantly my definition is not normative, so you can't use it to shame someone into doing anything.
  3. Yeah, they basically turned Gaza into an unlivable hell for the next few decades. Sad.
  4. 50% is pretty aweful. I wasn't aware the number was so high. Gaza basically has no hope for any kind of prosperity or success now. It will be decades of miserable filthy poverty, which will breed thousands of terrorists.
  5. Wally's just playing an extemely long trap game. Biding his time to sntach one of those kids. I'm onto you, Wally.
  6. Yes, of course, every human mind makes use of some informal logic. But that stuff cannot be formalized. Yes, it can be spelled out more, but I myself don't know all the logic that goes into my understandings. It's way too complex and abstract to spell it all out in some linear sequence. Impossible, really. Yes, I make a lot of very clever inferences. That cleverness is the magic sauce which I could not explain even if I tried.
  7. What is the actually statistic of the percentage of buildings in Gaza destroyed? A source would be nice.
  8. As long as I get to keep my private jet, no worries.
  9. That is true, however I think it is a higher quality plastic. Keep in mind, your bottled water probably also came from an RO system. I wonder if industrial RO water is plastic or metal or what? It would be cool to find an all metal/ceramic RO system. But that will be expensive. It tastes perfect. Best water, zero weird taste.
  10. But here you are exaggerating. Israelis are nowhere close to bombing everything in sight. They could bomb every house in Gaza but they do not. Yes, they bomb excessively, but your characterization of it is very exaggerated. You don't need to exaggerate in order to make your moral case. Adding falsehood to it doesn't help your moral case. The straight truth should suffice.
  11. Yes, but the moral questions are all about where you draw your lines. I'm sure that as they are bombing Gaza the Israeli leadership are telling themselves: "The only way not to harm anyone is to be dead." But then you look at that as an outsider and are horrified at the net result. It's easy to find ways to create all sorts of blind externalities. Which is why I framed my defintion of morality as such: All of morality boils down to reducing the harm your selfishness causes others.
  12. The suffering has to not be traumatic, crippling, and experienced with a degree of consciousness rather than avoidance in order for it to be beneficial.
  13. The stuff I talk about is too subtle, abstract, and experiential to be formalized with logic. No amount of logic can get you to see features like holism, recontextualization, higher consciousness, or just a new distinction. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  14. I posted a link of my fave RO models on my blog some time ago.
  15. That's pretty good. But how would you apply that in complex situations such as: Driving your car kills bugs Driving your car adds to climate change Buying cheap products supports slave labor Using fertilizer to grow you fruits kills animals and pollutes the water Getting your electricity from wind trubines kills birds Consuming porn might contribute to exploitation of women in that industry Etc Genuinely curious how your system handles that.
  16. @Water by the River You are engaged in the reductionism of Consciousness through your Buddhism. If you do that hard enough you will succeed. But that is a limited thing you made of it -- through your self-brainwashing. None of that grasps the higher nature of Consciousness.
  17. Surprisingly, this question might take your contemplations on this topic further: If you just took a wild guess, where would you say you're most wrong? And then just observe your intuition very carefully.
  18. My RO system has a remineralization stage. It doesn't cost much extra.
  19. Well, when you find him take a pic and send it to us.
  20. I had a profound awakening into the nature of time. The explanation is so profound and unique that I decided to save it for an advanced course.
  21. Still higher consciousness than a barbarian rape horde.
  22. Everything is about you. Just keeping it real.